Good News!The Clinton Email scandal is over

I know this is an obvious conclusion, but I’m going to say it since no one else will: Perhaps it was not Hillary, but one of her underlings (Not trying to be derogatory) who issued the stand-down order in Benghazi? Meaning that she was away and someone was leading in her stead? I mean, sure she’s over all of it, and should be responsible for those who mishandle things or don’t do what they are supposed to. If so, we should be focusing on these particular people, and not just Hillary Clinton.

That won’t work. Consider the Uranium One matter. The sale of an American mine owned by Canadians to Russian investors had to be approved by a committed of nine cabinet departments, led by Commerce. State was included but not in the lead.

This was the sale of the mine; the transfer of any of the mined uranium to Russia is prohibited. The Russians were buying an investment, not the uranium itself.

All nine Departments supported the sale. In the State Department process, such a review does not require the sign-off of the Secretary of State. No one has ever produced a hint of evidence of Secretary Clinton was involved in or even aware of this decision.

Nevertheless, seldom does a day go by without someone on this board making reference to how Hillary – now dubbed “The Uranium Queen” made money by selling uranium to Russia.

If the approval of a business transaction by an underling at State (with the concurrence of eight other cabinet departments) can be ginned into a personal sale by Hillary Clinton, how can you expect to find an alternate explanation for Benghazi.

Hillary’s evil is a comforting obsession for those on the right, impervious to facts at this point. The invention of the Uranium One scandal out of whole cloth stands as proof of this.


Just having the server is deliberate. Just shows the state department is still the swamp…

The fact that Trump won’t instruct his justice dept to charge her leads me to the inescapable conclusion that Trump is part of the swamp.

Hillary got thousands killed in Libya… Dems knew it, and voted for her anyway! People are still dying there because of her and Obama.

Against my better judgment…what should Obama have done? Inserted American troops in the civil war? Supported Qaddafi?

Trump got thousands killed in Syria… Cons know it, and defend it anyway! People are still dying there because of him

And Hillary destroyed the evidence…

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At least we know why we were fighting in Syria… And Obama took us there, while Trump is trying to get out…

Dems for never ending wars…

You didn’t feel that way about Palin, did you?

Thanks. My glasses aren’t as good as they should be sometimes.

There was no stand-down order in Benghazi. Whoever told you there was lied to you.



Palin was a dolt who had no business being selected to run as VP. McCain even said he regretted picking her. She was picked in order to have an answer to Obama’s “historic” ticket.

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She was picked by Bill Kristol.


From my perspective, Clinton certainly had the background and experience to run for the Presidency and deserved a shot at the nomination. Palin was the Governor of Alaska but had a bachelors degree in communications and almost no experience that would lead me to believe she was qualified to be even Veep.

And she wasn’t even the first female Veep candidate, Geraldine Ferraro was and the Cons were all over her and her husband, so they really don’t have clean hands on this matter. And Ferraro was a very qualified candidate. Ferraro was a school teacher turned DA championing a new Special Victims bureau before serving in the house for several terms. She knew the law, she had accomplished quite a bit before nomination and even served at the UN after the election.

Palin does TV bits and hangs out with Ted Nugent now.


You are your comment?

On here? You are your comments.


Realistically, that’s like asking, after health inspectors ignoring piles of faeces lying on the surface of NY streets, but spending 15 million dollars turning over six metres deep of earth on a city block to find ten Republicans’ turds, and prosecuting them for open defecation, when people complain about nothing done regarding the obvious on the surface faeces being ignored, “But aren’t you glad we exposed those ten turds you didn’t know about?”