Good News? September 2024 Jobs Report

Simply out of curiosity, did you bitch about things costing more under Trump than they did under Obama? You get how inflation is always a thing right? Now inflation jumped post Covid, but has been steadily dropping to the point we’re almost back to what inflation was and should be. But you do know that prices were higher under Trump than they were under Obama right? Did you complain about the increase in prices then?

Are you ready? I bitched about George Bush, his 180 into Iraq, the DICK Cheney/Halliburton WMD corruption and the ■■■■ economy Bush handed Obama. It isn’t about the politics, it’s about reality and how I perceive the pieces of the puzzle of life we’re all looking at…fits together.

Wow did that not even come close to answering the question.

Swoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Here’s what I know, that the US economy is not controlled by some magical individual whose ass sits in the White House.

Certain government policies can be economically beneficial and other’s negative, but by and large the positive economic data is a reflection of our capitalist system (as imperfect as it is) and the entrepreneurs and businesses that make it run. But here are the facts today, abd I’m pretty much with @Gaius on this, that despite some decent economic data there’s numerous negatives as well. I mean how good is an economy that’s running 2 trillion dollar deficits every year? How good is an economy that has record credit card debt? How good is economy in which only a handful of peopl can afford a home? How good an economy that isn’t producing good paying jobs?

There’s no magical fix out there as many of the challenges evolved or the past few decades.


But an example of what you’re complaining about(home ownership) is directly related to capitalism without any kind of regulation or governmental support. Corporations and individuals with money build and buy homes because they have the capital and then rent. Which is not what we want for the average American. So the option of buying a home is more limited and thus the price goes up. And that is strict capitalism. Which some here want. But you cant ask for that and then complain about how hard it is for people to buy homes.


No. Not even close.
More nearly the opposite is true.

For starters, the Fed owns almost one-third of all US mortgages.


Here’s a question, how much was government involved in housing today compared to the 1980’s and 1990’s?


Plus zoning regulations. We can discuss when they are appropriate but they are most def governmental involvement


And sets the interest rate.

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It’s been reported that illegals increased in jobs and Americans lost jobs.

Not surprising.

It has also recently been reported recently that a quite large number of Americans filed for

Over a quarter million.


:+1: :+1: :+1: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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increase in jobs for illegals? that’s double plus good

not only do the businesses they work for not pay taxes on them - no soc sec #s, but they don’t pay taxes for themselves either!

and I thought democrats didn’t like tax cuts…

As long as we can run 2 trillion-dollar deficits every year all will be well :crazy_face:

I miss the Clinton-(W)Bush days.

Chart below shows federal spending excluding interest payments and social security.
When George W Bush was elected, that spending was 11% of the GDP.
I felt that was too high, but at least it was heading in the right direction (I credit Newt Gingrich, Bob Kasich, and Phil Gramm.)

There has been much moaning, here and elsewhere about the cost of “endless wars,”
well, George W bush fought two of them at the same time, dealt with the bust and a spike in oil prices and . . . until the GFC never spent more than ~13% of the economy.

Donald Trump, with zero wars always spent more.
For Donald Trump to match (with no wars) what bush the war monger did, he’d have to cut spending 7% across the board. That’s why, if it weren’t for the new McCarthyism, weaponization of the justice department, the assaults on free speech (in short, the assault on democracy) I wouldn’t be voting for Donald Trump.

That said, it is interesting to note that Joe Biden spends even more than Donald Trump and Kamala’s only reaction has been that she wants to tax and spend even more. SHEESH! Where do we keep finding these losers?

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COVID gave them an excuse. We’re probably never going to fully understand the impact The Hysteria had.

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(Excluding SS and interest on the debt)

George W spent a lot of money,
afterall he was fighting two wars.

To reach George W spending levels,
– Donald Trump would have needed to cut 7% across the board.
– Joe Biden would need to cut 12% across the board

Where would the US economy be and where would the Stock Market be if we hadn’t pumped 35 trillion dollars into it over the years?

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It’s like buying cars and clothes and vacations,
all on credit,
then using the to show off to your family “look how wealthy I am.”


Lots of Americans died and were maimed needlessly in those wars.