Good News? September 2024 Jobs Report

Trump was fighting The Hysteria (he even warned), much bigger than the one wat Bush had.

No they weren’t.

Even if I conceded that,
it remains the fact that peacetime Trump spent gobs more
than wartime Bush.

The Rona Hysteria affected citizens far more than the GWOT.

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What was his hysteria fighting budget spent on?

HINT: Even before COVID,
peacetime Trump was spending a pile more than wartime Bush.
It wasn’t COVID.
It wasn’t Soc. Sec.
It wasn’t interest on the debt.

It was just plain old Trump spending vs previous admins.

It wasn’t peacetime then.

Are denying that Donald Trump way overspent compared to past administrations, (whom I also felt spent too much)?

Not at all. He spends like a drunken sailor on libo in the Philippines.

Let’s just be clear about the context.

We were still at war during the Roaring Hysteria.

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And just because I sometimes like to put an exact point on things,
The Trump spending spree occurred before COVID.

COVID spending was so huge it makes everything else look small on the chart.

Here is the same chart (ovals added, of course) up-to just before COVID.

Excluding Soc Sec., excluding interest on the debt,
George W Bush was spending $1.944t per year
Donald J. Trump was spending $3.14t per year pre-COVID.

Honestly, I looked at George W’s spending levels, called him a “moderate” and said “We should spend less.”

Even before COVID, Donald Trump looked at the same numbers and apparently said “Nahh, Nahhh, we should spend a lot more!”

I’m looking for the guy who thinks we should spend less, not more than George W Bush spent while simultaneously fighting two wars, dealing with the crash and trying to handle a spike in fuel prices.

Which is more important?

Money or American lives?

am i ever allowed to discus the fact that Trump spent too mucb money?

You can discuss anything you want…as can I.