Good News? BLS Report January Jobs 304K

These numbers are propped up by low interest rates!

Well that is because for 8 straight years with The Hussein in office the country lost jobs every month. I understand their pain. #TrumpTruth

Both sides? Come on Snow. You have to admit that on this board, a large percent of conservatives questioned the validity of the data under Obama. Meanwhile I think you would be hard pressed to find more than one liberal who questions the number under Trump.

This quest to make both sides equally wrong in all cases is ridiculous and counterproductive to truth. Take a stand against this blatant dishonesty.


See what you did there :smiley:
I’ll see if you can figure it out.

I didn’t say equally wrong. Just said there are people on BOTH side that question labor reports.

I’m a Democrat and it’s great news. Glad to hear employers are hiring.

Why is it bad news for me or other Democrats?

That is not accurate. I really wish Republicans would see when Democrats celebrate Americans gaining jobs that it’s a good thing. America wins.

Ok. It is a lazy equivalence. I don’t know of ANY liberals that questioned the veracity of the numbers and outright said there was a conspiracy.

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Can you point to a single liberal questioning the BLS numbers?

In this particular thread today no.

I dare say you wouldn’t be able to on this board or the old one. It wasn’t a thing.

Gosh, how can this be? The govt was shut down? The economy should have slowed, right?

Seems those tax cuts are making a lot people wealthier, with tons of opportunity…

Maybe, just maybe the steady diet of doom and gloom we are fed on a daily basis lacks substantive nutrition?

Maybe we can start getting regular haircuts rather than the pyro method we’re told is necessary?

Must be why Trumps approval is back to 48% approval…

The economy did slow. That doesn’t preclude job growth. Moody’s now forecasting Q4 at 2.1% and Atlanta estimating 2.5%. Not looking great for 2018 annual GDP. It’s becoming more and more likely that 2018 doesn’t even top 2015.

Do we have a timeframe on when Q4 GDP will be released finally?

It’s still TBD on BEA’s website, but doesn’t look like it’ll be before the very end of February. Perhaps the 28th?

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Hmmmm. So all those tax cuts and the economy is going to grow at less than 3% in Q4. Indeed the tax cuts have made the rich richer, but nothing is trickling down. No real stimulation to the economy at all. A brief high followed by back to normal, only with trillion dollar deficits now.

Meanwhile lots of middle class people realizing the sticker shock of higher taxes.

GOP once again pandered to the rich elite at the expense of the middle class while further saddling the future generations with more debt.

Then why have we added so many manufacturing jobs? And they must be ignoring real wage growth…

Ooph. I haven’t been following it very closely as of late. Is it because of the shutdown?

Thank you by the way my friend. Your knowledge and insight on these matters are amazing and I always love reading your takes.