Good News? 07/02

" That government is best which governs least " Thoreau

These words must look like alien cursive writing to present day so-called “liberals”.

So if government didn’t do anything, why are some giving Trump credit?

you don’t get it, do you?

People are saying this…believe me

How is that any different then people being laid off because of housing crisis?

It taken Obama 5 and half years to regain the lost jobs. And libs claimed they were new jobs.

Sorry…you cannot justify the hypocrisy here.

Don’t know don’t care. 7.6 million jobs were filled in last 2 months.

Awesome news sadly totally eclipsed by the FBI Busting Ghislaine Maxwell, the former girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein. Coincidence or the DEEP STATE trying to distract the population?

And who did that?

7.6 million job opening were filled after the great pandemic under Trump.

Those are the numbers so far.

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Who did what? Declared bankruptcy?

Job openings? Seriously? Return to jobs that were impacted by COVID. These weren’t open jobs just waiting for someone to come fill them. Do you not understand this?


Closed those businesses.

Texas Roadhouse hasnt gone out of business

Well…they could have waited 5 and half years to return to their job under Obama.

The decision-makers for the business. Owners. Board of directors. Etc.

Sorry. Logan’s Roadhouse. Not Texas Roadhouse. Good catch.

:rofl: Come on man. Aren’t we past pulling the wings off the fly one at a time?

That makes no sense. Are you suggesting that we are currently at the same unemployment levels as we were prior to COVID?

I have no clue what you’re asking or trying to discuss. Out with it man.

those who value freedom from government overreach see this:
"That government is best which governs least "

all others see this:

Th♤●t £}:heart:》《\♤€nt is b◇¤ w•○h go♧₩}《☆s l¿《¤{°₩ " NANUNANU