Good Guy with a Gun

I hope @markdido is well.


Good mom with a gun


Then there is Turdo O’Rourke…

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Either by chance or the mom knew the law, textbook “retreat no further” and “fear for their lives”
Sling that lead Mama! :grinning:

Face Tats … obviously a Rotarian.

Moms wounded the mook. ■■■■■■ will probably sue.
Head shots are legal and dead men tell no tales.

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Thankfully she lives in Texas. Not California or Washington.

The “shoot to wound” crowd never seems to grasp that….

If you have the wherewithal to shoot to wound, you were not in fear of your life. Self defense claim rejected.

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Being in Louisiana is about as good as in Texas if you need to defend yourself.

Was having a conversation with another client regarding gun control.

I mentioned school shootings, and how if there is no gun free zone sign, someone might be more deterred from entering given the uncertainty of people not having guns or being able to defend themselves or others on the property.

And, he brought up some points that I think are legitimate:

Firstly, with school shootings, I had not thought of an ethical delimma- often times, the perpetrators of school shootings are former or current students with an axe to grind. Thus, if the teachers know this student, and even moreso, gotten to bond with this student, the idea of being armed puts them in a terrifying situation of possibly shooting, wounding, or killing their own student.

Secondly, what about when the police arrive? Who will they know to shoot? I presume this is easily resolvable than the first scenario- as a law-abiding gun owner would probably be more cooperative when LEOs showed up.

Do not be impressed with those arguing from hard cases, trying to build an emotional bridge to you agreeing to them.

These stories they tell, what ifs and could be’s, are only that. Stories.

ANY school shooting is bad doings, no exception. But there is only ever the shooter(s) and their potential victims to be concerned with. Trying to gin up empathy for the shooter(s) would be wrong during a shooting and it is wrong while trying to argue for gun control as of that will stop shootings.

Bad guys of that sort by definition don’t obey laws. More laws are just more things they don’t obey.


Then there’s the other good guys with guns in Texas that did two things: Jack and ■■■■ .

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Not good guys.

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On the street, perhaps, but in your home against an intruder, it doesn’t matter where you shoot them or whether they live or not.

Somewhere I saw a picture purported to be of some of those fully trained officers where one was holding his rifle by the barrel.

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Yeah. Someone could just say that they were bad shots, like Dudley Moore’s character with the sling in Holy Moses or Butters in that episode of South Park where he and Cartman try to take a PeiWei hostage.

In this instance, she shot through the door. It was only by chance that she hit the guy at all.