God and the Devil

I’ve only done psychedelics a few times. Mushrooms once. Datura two times. Salvia 2-3 times. Amanita muscaria once. Oh… I also od’d on cough syrup a few times.

I guess that’s not a few times. But they’re stuff you really shouldn’t trip on.

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Sucks for you.

I also believe you replay your life (without being able to make any changes) over and over for infinity. So I guess that young person gets to do that cycle a lot. Bully for them.

That’s what I believe. An infinite cycle of birth and death. Not sold on one life affecting the next though

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In my version, you live the exact same life as you did before. Therefore, you haven’t had previous lives. You had the same life over and over. It’s kind of tragic if you lived a tragic life. Even killing yourself to end your pain only ensures that you will repeat that cycle for infinity.

Well that sounds terrifying lol

I think its not that static. Nothing in this reality is seen to be static. The only constant is change, in the abstract. And the long march to a form of stability. Since change is a constant, stability starts breaking down. Like an oscillation. I think this is what happens in the low level fields that produce particles. I think this concept extends into conscious existence. Namely that it is just infinite change of form that oscillates between stability and instability. Meaning that you are 100% likely to say, be POTUS in some future life, maybe 80 trillion lives from now. The catch is that in some future life you will be tortured. But in this framework, you are essentially “God” observing all of the possibilities of “Gods” own state. Forever.

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It wouldn’t be Hell if it wasn’t terrifying. :sunglasses:

Sounds like something someone would cook up while they were tripping.

Which is exactly where I got my concept of the afterlife. I think it was the Fly Amanita.

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Totally. I dont do drugs anymore because well, you get older and life affects how you react. But all of my philosophical beliefs are heavily influenced by my psychedelic experiences. They are as close to the experience of “God” as you can get and it can terrifying. Having said that, I think a philosophical case can be made for “oscillating infinite consciousness” if you will lol - without the need to resort to drugs.

Note for the boards sake I’m not condoning drug use. Just sharing my experience

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Wait…you can’t just make stuff up. Isn’t there an official book?

Better yet, as I asked before why couldn’t God could jus make it clear?

What about a giant text in 10000 mile long letters that float in the sky. Readable in all languages?

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A truth tree would be pretty cool. You can plant it and it grows truth

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What do you need to have made clear?

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I understand. I haven’t actually tried psychedelics in close to 10 years, but that’s because I feel like I got what I needed out of that curiosity that I most definitely had at one point. I think i might be up for one of the more traditional heavy hitters given the right circumstance, but that’s almost the same feeling I have towards getting another tattoo. I’m not against it, but it hasn’t been the right time for a long time now.

Obviously my idea about what the afterlife is like (if it exists, and if it’s affected by what I want it to be) is affected by psychedelics. I’d like to think a lot of the rest of it is due to some of the books i’ve read. I can think of three collections that have really formed a bedrock to build off of. The Sandman, Lucifer, The Books of Magic.

Drugs are bad. Mmmkay.

I agree. Don’t use drugs. Especially not datura.

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(Again, this is just sharing life experience- not condoning). Yea, I’ve tripped probably 20 times - mushrooms and LSD. The older I got the worse they got mainly because there was too much I was dealing with in life. I dont think I can handle it anymore. I actually find that learning more about math and physics is enough for my 3rd eye

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Funny story about Datura.

I tried it with my friend while I was stationed in El Paso. It grew naturally near where we did platoon runs sometimes.

I don’t remember this, but I’m told I was rolling on my friend’s front yard screaming about how “the children are going to get me.”

Today I work with moderate to severely disabled 4-6 year olds. I can understand why this would have been terrifying to me 15 years ago if I was high and seeing into the future.

That sounds wild lol. One of my parents died at a young age and I became fixated on death. So when I would trip I would be fixated on death. I would start convincing myself that I was dying or that death was some sort of initiation ritual. It got very scary. So I said no more.

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That’s crazy.

I always had the feeling that my essence in that moment was fixed in a certain period of time, in the same way that the words on a page remain on the page, even if the page is turned. It was terrifying to me to feel time progress, because I felt that I wouldn’t remain; a future version of me was on that page, but it wasn’t me.

This was my experience with Salvia.

Salvia is intense and I recommend it to no one… I only did it once and I was just watching myself do things like walking around and moving but I didnt have control over my decisions

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And it lasted for like 30 seconds

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I think the only thing I would consider anymore would be to be part of a research group and voluntarily take DMT or micro dose of psilocybin. Theres a lot of great research finally being done

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I did it a few times. It’s 100x better than trying datura. I wish I had done more illegal, but not so horrible drugs to expand my mind. I did some really stupid stuff.

Ya. I’ve done some stupid stuff too. Some drugs I wont admit to even on a private board lol

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