Global warming is real

Who said anything about random vs non random? They could concievably be locked into very large orbital cycles and only pass through our solar system at intervals of 10’s, 1000’s, or millions of years.

We already know there are bodies that randomly pass through our solar system, others like some of the regular asteroid showers and comets have very long cycles on a human scale but happen in the blink of an eye on a geological scale.

Couple of things those folks who like to throw the word scientist around but are not one. If there is a warming or cooling issue, it is an Engineering problem, not a science problem. Professors write papers, Engineers actually work in the fields, well all except industrial engineers and no one is sure what they are good for yet.

Until one can prove to me on the whiteboard that CO2 or Methane or any combination thereof at the levels present inhibit heat transfer with a colorful planet and complete thermal breakdown, this notion is of RGHG theory does not hold water. Period.


No, what’s missing is your acknowledgment that rather than one large object, Earth’ orbit could have been altered a little at a time by numerous objects over a long period of time.

Absolutely, our orbit has not ever been perfect, not to mention the one body in our system that effects us the most is ever changing and that is the sun, its gravitational pull on us is not constant. Many things effect our lose wobble around it.

Speaking of which, when looking for answers look for the simplest.

Global warming has finally been explained: the Earth is getting hotter because the Sun is burning more brightly than at any time during the past 1,000 years, according to new research.

A study by Swiss and German scientists suggests that increasing radiation from the sun is responsible for recent global climate changes.

Dr Sami Solanki, the director of the renowned Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Gottingen, Germany, who led the research, said: "The Sun has been at its strongest over the past 60 years and may now be affecting global temperatures.

“The Sun is in a changed state. It is brighter than it was a few hundred years ago and this brightening started relatively recently - in the last 100 to 150 years.”

How can you possibly know that? A highly elliptical orbit with a period of ten thousands years could easily bring it near Earth every ten thousand years. And if that occurred say 5000 years ago, we would not know about it (because it would leave no evidence of ever having been here) and we would be hard pressed to detect it at its apogee in the outer reaches of the solar system. The newly discovered planetoids far beyond the orbit of Pluto could fit that scenario, but since they are so far away, astronomers have yet be able to calculate their orbits.

Cav Scout … is that really you? If so, long time no see - welcome back.

And a 1000 years is nothing, it may cool off in a couple hundred or thousand more and our land will cool. I have not read this particular paper, just the article you posted, but I will look it over this weekend.

It is and same to you! How is ya?

I was thinking the same thing. Nice to see ya back Scout.

Still upright and breathing. :wink:

Yeah me too, I have been terribly busy this last month with a PM2.5 issue that cropped up here at our plants, and am losing my mind over it LOL

Same to ya!

Been meaning to correct the title for the perennially shift key challenged moonslurp. Should read:

Global weather change is real

“Great polar bear testicles ma! It was sunny as all git out an’ then it started tuh rain!”

“Save us!” screamed ma. “Muh washin’ is gettin all wet an sich out on tuh line!”

Narrator MrOT: It’s that rascally weather change at work again!

Mx. moonshine stays still as officers of the law arrest him for posting while drunk again.

LMAO nice pic


Is there some way we can force the sun to purchase carbon offset credits?

Call Al, he’ll work out a solar tax for everyone.

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From your source:

So the sun can’t explain heating over the last 35 years. Try again Wildrose.

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“Sunspots”. The sun continues to burn brighter and hotter overall irrespective of sunspot activity.

The closing two paragraphs from the article.

“The Sun’s radiance may well have an impact on climate change but it needs to be looked at in conjunction with other factors such as greenhouse gases, sulphate aerosols and volcano activity,” he said. The research adds weight to the views of David Bellamy, the conservationist. “Global warming - at least the modern nightmare version - is a myth,” he said. "I am sure of it and so are a growing number of scientists. But what is really worrying is that the world’s politicians and policy-makers are not.

“Instead, they have an unshakeable faith in what has, unfortunately, become one of the central credos of the environmental movement: humans burn fossil fuels, which release increased levels of carbon dioxide - the principal so-called greenhouse gas - into the atmosphere, causing the atmosphere to heat up. They say this is global warming: I say this is poppycock.”

There’s a very simple principle at work here that’s not at all difficult to understand.

If you increase the amount of light and heat that reaches the soil slowly over time there is more retained heat in the soil which then causes nighttime temperatures to stay higher than they did previously which accelerates heating through the day.

The same applies to water. The warmer it is when you start heating it the faster it heats when the energy source is applied every day resulting in both higher lows at night and the high temperatures creep upward as a result.

Both apply to both water and soil/rocks/sand etc.

This is easily demonstrated by comparing soil and water temperatures during a string of cloudy days and comparing them to a string of sunny days.

It’s also the same reason why we have the “urban heat island effect”. The more of our planet’s surface gets covered in concrete and pavement the higher temperatures are going to be in those areas raising the global temp as a result.

From your source:

No actual work here, just a guess. Let’s look at someone who actually studied this effect:

No effect. Try again Wildrose.

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