Giving poor citizens money

It has done pretty well… but it isn’t a direct payment. The EIC is more of an abstract.

This direct payment for child care will go to like 90% of parents out there.

It is going to be pretty popular I bet.

EIC is a refundable tax credit. It is a direct payment to tax payers – also reduced what they owe in taxes. So how much did the poverty level drop when that was instituted? How about Trumps reform where instead of a deduction on income, children became a credit against the tax you own (and a large portion of it refundable if the credit was more than you owed in taxes)?

No doubt it will be popular free free free free money!!

This 1.9 trillion dollars is little over 10 grand for every American making less then 75 grand a year.

Call it trickle up theory.

In eight years Republicans will be acting like they were for it all along.

:+1:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:

Absolutely or else we get into a form of legalized stealing to be honest.

Transfer from the pockets of hard working tax payers into the pockets of lazy never do wells who have figured out they can do that via the ballot box.

Couples who make up to $150,000 will be getting these payments.

It will probably be popular

Not this Republican . . . .

The 1,400 per person (income limited) and 300 a week jobless bennies I can mostly stand behind. A lot of the other crap in the bill is just that crap.

It will become popular

People are going to love it and it will have a real impact on poverty.

It will also get money spent into the economy at a steady rate and help to bolster the recovery

Plus it is the most sweeping pro life legislation to be passed in decades.

It’s going to be great.

Yeah screw those of us who elect not to have kids right?

Yay us non-parents get to fund the children of others.

Their gain is not your loss.

Your prognostication skills are questionable. You also seem to think that I give … or gave for that matter … a hoot about Trump. He’s living in your head, not mine.

At this rate, in eight years the US will be insolvent.

Highly unlikely

How is this funded?


I am a net positive tax payer.

I’m not opposed to helping the poor. Far from it.

I’d like for taxes to help fund their education so that they can become financially solvent citizens.

Who cares how things are funded anymore?

That is only a concern when the benefits go to the bottom and not the top.

Not unlikely at all. The national debt has more than doubled in the last ten years. At the rate its going (in fact, the rate is accelerating) the debt will be about $60 trillion in eight years. That’s unsustainable.

How so?

What does that debt actually mean?

Why is it a concern when the benefits go to the bottom but not the top? The top is going to end up with the money anyway… might as well let it work it’s way up instead of down.

Benefits given to the top … such as farm subsidies or manufacturing … contribute to the economy because those folks are the producers. Benefits given to the bottom are for the most part, simply a drain on the economy, taking from the producers and handed out to the non-producers.

I do like how this is framed in a way of producers vs non producers.

Say that this direct payment is enough for a mother to stay at home and raise the kids while the dad goes and works… or visa Versa because hey she can bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan… so to me this would look like a pro family measure.