Giving poor citizens money

You’ll have your chance in 4 years.

Trump/pence in 2024.

That’s a great ticket. Har de har.


You crack me up, dude. You really do. What I meant was, where do they get the money for it? If it isn’t from the tax payer, I’m all for it. Otherwise I suggest they get a second job. Or in most cases, a first job.

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Just another Dimbulbcrat bribe for votes. Call it what you will but come election time they’ll go down to da ‘hood and remind po’ folks who got them their check.

Exactly. Ask oneself, why is there generational poverty? Libs can never see or acknowledge that government programs can indeed create a cycle of dependency.

This will provide a major boost in the sales of cigarettes, liquor, ink, and scratch offs.

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And car parts for ragged out Chevy trucks that barely run.

It would help my sales and let me negotiate pay raises lol.

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Or or or… instead of that you could give them a voucher to a 1 year vocational school so they can learn to work for themselves and get a decent paying job. Then they can pay it back at 0% interest over a five year period so they have time to establish themselves. That’s the taxpayers making an investment instead of being fleeced.

It’ll cost a little more up front, but it’ll be much cheaper in the long run.

Welfare cash payments are the height of insanity. A good portion of these people are poor because of irresponsible spending habits.


So direct cash payments are not good in your eyes.

How do you feel about cash payments for farmers?

Farm subsidies are a huge budget item.


The taxpayers get something out of the farmers. Namely they don’t starve to death. Food is plenty. I’m willing to bet most of the farm subsidies are spent on updating, repairing, and buying equipment. Modern farming is expensive as all hell; a good tractor will set you back 200,000 grand.

Hate to be a bit heartless here, but taxpayers don’t get anything from a broke person with no skills.

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Hmmm one subsidy keeps prices resonable for millions of people. One free money give away does exactly what again?

Earned income tax credit
child tax credit (different from the one below)
food stamps
child care funding
housing subsidies
Refundable child tax credit (different from the one abover)
Free cell phones

All not ENOUGH so now they are increasing the refundable child tax credit to “help”

Again, just teaching that the government needs to take care of you.

Yup, and the only solution is more free money for them.

next up free medical care for all (unless your successful then you’ll be taxed to pay for it), Free schooling for all (unless your successful then you’ll be taxed to pay for it).

Subsidies are good as long as they go to people we like.

This is the biggest piece of pro life legislation passed in decades.

I would think that conservatives would be all behind it.

And if your a dem that would be anything green related. Now again, tell me what taxpayers get in return for the free free free monty just handed out on a regular basis (earned income tax creid, child tax credits)?

They get a lot of people who will spend the money directly into the economy meanwhile having a direct effect on the poverty rate.

Pretty big deal actually.

Only if we do a flat tax where one tax payer per tax form, one deduction per tax for no other credits or deductions allowed and a single tax rate. Wonder how many would be for all the free free free stuff if thei tax rate went up to help pay for it?

Everyone should have skin in the game on free free free stuff so if the taxes have to go up to fund it, they feel it as well. And there should be guidlines and applications for any support and help programs needed.

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Never going to happen.

Might as well wish for unicorns.

And how has the EIC and all the others helped with the poverty rate in how many years?

Nope. Dem’s will never give up their bribery for votes.