Giuliani: 'Time for Mueller to end this pursuit of the President and say President Trump is completely innocent'

Be patient. You’ll find out at some point.

Yes, it does. It appears complex.

All 3 are the same poster. There was a week that Alfie was banned and he couldn’t helpbut finish the argument under the Norman alias. The change to BAC was requested when the mods were allowing a 1 time name change

In the old days, the mods would ban him/them for having multiple accounts. I wonder why that hasn’t happened.

I keep wondering exactly what “legal” advice Giuliani is giving to Trump as his “lawyer.” Must be a hell of a sweet job. Doing plenty of nothing except mouthing on TV.

Exactly. And if Roxiebelle is clinging to that misinterpretation, chances are pretty good that Trump is, too.

mueller and team are not idiots.

First Russia has always tried to interfere with ours and every other countries elections, that’s not a new issue. But collusion has not been established

In the old days, the mods would ban posters who would post an article, add nothing of substance to the article, and then didn’t post at all in the thread. However, we have a bot, endorsed by our gracious host, who does exactly that.

The secret Trump tower meeting with the Russians is pretty much the definition of collusion.

Odd how that that little meeting is always ignored.

It shows a willingness on the part of the Trump campaign to meet with foreign nationals to gain information on the opposition.

The information that they thought they were getting would have likely been stolen.

Anybody else would have done the exact same thing if they were in the same position and opportunity.

It’s nothing new with these people. Hell, look at Giulianni’s embarrassing spectacle yesterday claiming that “no Americans were involved” despite the indictment clearly spelling out why that was absolute nonsense. They have sold out America’s interests to a foreign power for the “lolz”. Deplorable behavior from deplorable people.

I think Trump knows Mueller is on his tail. That’s why he and his minions keep mouthing “witchhunt.”

All in good time, my dear. All in good time.

Reality doesn’t matter. Perspective is everything. The latter is easier to change as well.

Ultimately, the question will be whether impeachment happens, and the judge of that comes down to whether the public demands it of their representatives. It’s disgusting, but it’s a winning strategy.

Funny you bring that up. Why did Trump dictate the statement for Trump Jr’s statement on the Trump Tower meeting if he (DJT) supposedly wasn’t aware of the meeting? That’s the big gotcha right there.

There you have it…the ends justify the means, even if you have to commit treason and go against the Constitution. You said it.


Lol. It hasn’t been that long at all in comparison to others and it is giving actual results. That’s what scares you.

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And you’ve got conservatives all falling in line with that. Anything but Hillary. Well, unfortunately we got that, but we’re also paying a huge price.