Giuliani Says Trump Repaid Cohen

i keep telling people that i’m actually gonna live through two Watergates. that’s crazy and amazing.

Trump pretty much just had his lawyer tweet there was no affair…alright avanetti bust out that DVD

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i keep saying this but Trump isn’t even a GOOD con man.

and the suckers still fall for it.

It would be nice but I think it’s pretty transparent by now that there’s no CD. Just a bluff.

Here’s how the Trump/Rudy conversation went…

Rudy: Look, I can get you out of the Stormy thing.
Trump: How?
Rudy: Just say you pay Cohen monthly and you don’t know what he does.
Trump: Hmm. Will that work?
Rudy: Of course.

This has probably been said already, but I get what Rudy did. It was purposeful because it takes away the idea that 45 broke a federal law. It gives the idea that the only crime 45 committed which is not really a crime is lying to the press. The press is the so called enemy anyway. The only person getting in trouble is Cohen. 45 the Teflon don escapes again. It only shows how much a liar 45 is, but we knew this already. 45 is betting that his supporters are to stupid to care. I mean he did say he love the poorly educated…IJS


Rudy is now claiming that Trump only became aware of the payments a few weeks ago.

What is he doing lol.

They are trying to wiggle out of it. Trump supporters have given him a pass on everything else. Why not this too?

LOL. another Trump lie.

I know nothing about the $130,000 payment. Nothing.

I see nothing.

Allan (giving his best Sgt Schultz impression)

“If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”, “the IRS is not used as a weapon”, Fast & Furious, “the embassy attacks were about a video…”, “Hillary didn’t compromise classified documents…”

Where were all these keepers of the truth then??

Hillary and Obama did it too.

Thats why I am personally giving the President a pass.


I like to point out that old bit by Trump where he advises people to surround themselves with those of “lesser success”, because they will listen to and believe all of your stories.

Where’s the random capitalizations and exclamation marks? Trump didn’t write that.

I’m not sure how much strategy there really is here.

One of the reasons Giuliani didn’t make it into the cabinet was the thought that he’d lost a step in recent years. He’s not as sharp as he was, and he hasn’t seen the inside of a courtroom in years.

Looks like not putting him into the cabinet might have been one of the few staffing decisions that was the right move.

So naturally Trump brings him on in the most sensitive position possible lol.

Yeah I doubt Scavino wrote that one either.

When you’re reduced to “But Johnny did it too” it’s just a matter of time before the crap hits the fan.

Like when gangbanger’s moms scream at the police “WHY AREN’T YOU ARRESTING _____ DOWN THE STREET!!! HE’S THE REAL DRUG DEALER!!!”

Does anyone else find it ridiculous when we obsess about things that don’t matter to the American people?? Clinton getting a beej in the White House…I honestly don’t care about because it didn’t affect the people. Obama lying about…EVERYTHING or Hillary getting Americans killed…THAT I care about because it calls into question the integrity of our democratic system. Did Trump knowingly pay someone something for something that doesn’t affect a single voter? Don’t really care.

Not the same thing…something that MAY have happened in 2006 that has zero impact on voters…NOT the same as the lies Obamas and Clintons perpetrated over 16 years WHILE IN OFFICE.

lib:well that collusion thing blew up in our faces. Andy and Jim will be cellmates and Hillary is now clinical. Wonder if there’s some “lady of the night”, some stripper we can find to ruin Trump’s day. Hey Loretta, pass the pizza.