Ghislaine Maxwell - 20 Years So What Will Happen Now?

Show your work. Prove an association that doesn’t 100% rely on feelings. How is Biden tied to their sex trafficking ring but Trump is not?

“I wish her well”

It would surprise me.

Such a pardon would give miles of hanging rope to those who want to claim that the pardon is to protect Biden, or more likely someone (or multiple people) in Biden’s circle.

Every pardon from every president generates second-guesses and insinuations and speculations. This one (if it were to happen) would likely have all the commentary crammed into one box, and it would come with horrible optics for Biden or his allies.

I’ll say this. She’s sitting on a goldmine of information. She knows who participated in Epstein’s antics, and I carry little doubt that the names on her list span wide circles, across political parties, across corporate sectors, across sports and media and likely religious organizations too.

All you need to know is her customers were not charged. Swamp power…!!!

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Huh. Just reviewed the Wiki article. They’ve had some interesting prisoners there. I think she’ll be safe.

Well said.

She wanted to go to Danbury FCI, but I do think Tallahassee FCI is the safer option for her. As I said in an earlier post, she had a hostile reception awaiting at Danbury and the BoP would have been well aware of that.

They already lost Epstein.

It would look real bad if they lost Maxwell.

So we have photos of Trump with Maxwell and he even wished her well and yes that is not proof that Trump was involved with their heinous crimes.

Then we have nothing at all that connects Biden to Maxwell and somehow there are those convinced he is involved.

Of course the rich and powerful get away with more than us ordinary Joes can. They always have and always will. But this is not a dem or a republican issue. It transcends politics.

I have no doubt thar Epstein supplied under age girls to men and women of all races, religions and political beliefs.

Biden could sniff an assortment of small girls on live TV and libs would still vote for him. :rofl:

If he does this in his last day of office, as is usually the case with unpopular pardons, why would he care?
Bill Clinton did the same thing.

Biden isn’t “there” enough to care about much of anything. I had his associates in mind. Especially the puppet-string pullers.

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Trump. You do realize he ditched any relationship with him decades ago, right?

Was that before or after the 6 trips he took on Epstein’s famous jet?

Before or after he introduced one of Maxwell’s accusers to Epstein at Mar-a-Lago when she was 14?

See he ditched him decades ago.