German government: We are beating you up and locking you up for your own good

Yes, the party of the Nazi collaborationist Vichy government members who weren’t killed after they were liberated.

The party whose explicit platform until their recent rebrand was to overthrow French democracy.

You can see why the Republicans love Marine le Pen and the National Rally or whatever they call themselves now.

Can you? Why?

I just said why.

Did you? Where?

Is it your belief that republicans are “crypto-fascists” then?

Based on what?

I dunno, let’s ask Tucker Carlson as he broadcasts from Hungary and big-ups Viktor Orban destroying their democracy in between segments about replacement theory and cultural Marxism.


Based on Tucker Carlson republicans are “crypto-fascists”?

“That’s the George Soros solution. But Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, has a different idea. Instead of abandoning Hungary’s young people to the hard-edge libertarianism of Soros and the Clinton Foundation, Orban has decided to affirmatively help Hungarian families grow.”


I looked this fellow up. You think he’s a fascist?

He’s a Hegelian.

The state is the divine idea as it exists on earth. The state will be perfected. …the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the state. Hegel

What you are confusing for fascism is praxis. Repressive tolerance advanced and in action.

George Soros payed for him to attend Oxford.

I see your confusion, you don’t understand Hegel’s dialectic.

Please stop trying to talk like a Twitter lefty. It comes off like white people in the early 90s trying to rap.


That’s it?

Come on @TommyLucchese , let’s have a discussion like the good old days.

A diet fascist, perhaps. A proponent of “illiberal” democracy.

Orrrrrr an adherent of the Hegel dialectic in search of synthesis with repressive tolerance.

Fascinating fellow.

Interesting thing, it has to kill liberalism to survive. For the state to be perfected.

his not a fascist just want to use the power of the government to oppress everyone who disagree with him and forces his religious belief on them.

Do you believe that statement is factual?