Georgia planning to cut voter rolls by 100,000

That’s no excuse for making unfounded assumptions about what someone else is saying. That’s what I was referring to. It’s what I specifically quoted. I have every confidence that you knew that, but tried to deflect from that.

And there you go again.

You’ve gone fill-fledged lib. It’s sad to watch.

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Then that’s not AT the polling place.

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Yes it is at the polling place. Just not inside.

Don’t be silly.


Uh huh.

So how does this explain conservative fixation on Mr. Potato Head, Uncle Ben, and Dr. Suess while the rest of the country was working on pandemic recovery?

This is what I mean when I say manufactured culture war.

Seriously? It’s right there. The whole paper explains it.

They are only ineligible because the state is rendering them thus. I’ll bet you a buck the vast majority of them re-register.

Okay, and I have no doubt this is a lode star for you.

For me, I’d reads as a bunch of sophistry. Conservative clap trap, if you will.

Did you read it?

Just your excerpt.

Consider the opening line: “tolerance for that which is radically evil”.

What in the world is “radically evil” about (for example) an honest reckoning with our country’s history and it’s lingering effects today?

Yet conservatives natter on about CRT in order to obfuscate the fact that their economic theory is discredited, their politicians are venal, and the “philosophy” is selfish and anti social.

Yes. Anyone can register if they are no longer on the roll.

You are completely confused.


Marcuse is on your side.

If you say so.

I haven’t studied him, but after reading the excerpt as well as the Wiki summary, I am not on his

Of course you’re think you’re not. You don’t understand what you’re enabling.

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Or, it’s a bunch of clap trap for conservatives to justify their venality, selfishness, and opposition to progress.

Marcuse was most definitely not a conservative.

and opposition to progress

There we go! Now you’re getting the hang of it!


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