Georgia, it's time for Perdue and Loeffler to go

One set of rules for Democrats, another for Republicans. That’s precisely how Trump got elected.

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I know how you feel. The way OAC talks about Trump supporters, I am considering not voting for her if she runs for President.


Ya I used to be a libertarian but found it did know good at the national level, if a libertarian has a chance at the local level I will vote for them other than its fruitless at the national level.

I want a viable Libertarian party. I don’t know how that can ever happen.

I heard that these campaigns will raise a record amount of cash. And I predict that it is going to get bloody.
Should be fun.

They would have to get into open political war with the republican party, lure actual conservatives away from Trumpisim with a reality based, actual small government approach that also lures in disaffected gun owning / land owning / weed smoking / social liberals…but it would only work during a time of a complete power vacuum.

Like right now.

As in the past, the party they would take votes from is damaged. And that would be the libertarian voters second choice. They would just be damaging themselves.

The libertarian party has had its foot in a snare, fed just enough scraps by republicans to keep it breathing for decades. I suggest its time to gnaw the leg off and go.

Don’t blame me, I voted for Ron Paul.

I didn’t even know she was hardly running, at least I knew about Gary Johnson. I didn’t know about the margin she pulled in those swing states, outpaced the win damn.

Of course he did, and continues to. Let’s not play 3rd-grade games - look at McConnell’s actions, particularly in the 114th Congress.

These are the two that sold their stock off the strength of the private COVID briefings while lying in public, right?

You can discuss whether McConnell should have allowed a vote on the nomination so close to the election but you don’t get to redefine terms. McConnel did not pack any courts…and Biden refuses to say he wouldn’t if given the chance.

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Yep. Now they’re trying to use the line “well, other people handle our investments.”

Sorry, I’ve got a financial advisor, so I know how that works. If you really want to make a transaction, they will handle it accordingly. They may want you to sign something saying you are doing it against their advice in certain situations, but they will accommodate you.

Today Georgia, tomorrow the world


You need to learn the definition of court packing.