Georgia Governor Suggests Democrats Attempted to Hack Voting Reg System

Me thinks the Kemp camp is a bit desperate. The republicans can’t win fairly so they cheat and lie, but then again, look who is their god.

The honorable thing to do would be to cancel the election and give Democrats another shot in 2 more years.

Did you miss the part where first it was about the dossier, and then when it turned out that was brought to us by the DNC it became because Papado… was told by somene that the Russians had emails?

He has been cheating for months.

We are talking about someone who tried to get 50,000 people taken off the voter roll because they forgot a comma in the paperwork.

and your comparing that to the person overseeing the Georgia election claiming the other party hacked the voter system two days before an election without proof?

Yes, he is. Doug is bold. Lack of logic will not stop him.

He shouldn’t have announced anything because he has no proof of “Hacking” or anything.

Where is the proof of collusion with Russia and the Trump campaign?
I keep hearing how they just havent’ presented the evidence yet.

And as far as his timing, I was one of the first posts to say that was wrong to do it just before the election.

I was unaware Mueller was the head of the U.S electoral board, openly accusing Trump two days before the election of hacking the voter system.