This of course will go down like a lead balloon with most of todays American conservatives, since they’re all about owning the libs these days, notsomuch booklearning and stuffy obscure baseball facts. Tomi Lahren rules the day, notsomuch George Will.
But it’s still interesting to see the divide between those conservatives who have essentially deemed the GOP a dead party, and those who remain in the hopes of salvaging it post-Trump.
Wonder which camp will ultimately end up being correct, i’m betting on the first.
When I try to read it I am told I have to pay the Washington Post $10. I am declining, but it should remind us that we are listening to the wisdom of a Washington Post selected and paid for conservative.
It’s amazing how many conservative darlings are no longer darlings because they dare to question Trump or extreme positions…and then people try to pretend they “never believed he was a conservative”.
Same game many played with George W. Bush.
I’m sure in your mind you truly believe this dreck.
But not everyone’s memories have gone down the Memory Hole like yours have.
I really feel for people like Goldberg or Nichols, who are trying to look long-term and salvage something from the steeped puddle of ■■■■ that is the modern GOP.
But Trump aint the problem, he’s just the symptom.