George Will: Vote against the GOP this November

You should read “Dark Money”

It shows that the Koch’s were big Birchers and their politics, how they spend their money and what they spend it on makes a lot more sense.

Jane Something, right? I’ve read her books about torture and the Reagan administration. Been meaning to read Dark Money.

I read a different book about a similar subject- Democracy in Chains, I think?-and it makes an absolutely airtight case that the Kochs minastreamed the ideas of a political economist named James McGill Buchanan who came up with an idea to disempower the majority to sabotage school desegregation. But they applied it to everything.

Yeah. Jane Meyer.

The Koch’s have turned whole departments at George Mason University into ideology factories by using their largesse to dictate the faculty.

Quite brilliant really.

Yeah, this Buchanan guy was the first credible intellectual at George Mason. Crazy how far this all goes back and disturbing where it all comes from.

Similar these modern “conservatives” have no idea who Paul Weyrich was…and if they actually look him up, do not believe he was very influential in the modern conservative movement.

It’s crazy that some random liberals on a message board knows more about the modern conservative movement…than so called conservatives. (who are really just tribal followers of whoever today is giving them their marching orders)

Trump will be thrown under the bus by these clowns, as soon as a new “conservative” emerges and wins an election.


Yeah but Alinsky… or something.


Also… the Heritage Foundation is basically running the government these days.


And they cover their buying of our Republic by donating to a handful of credible causes, usually in the arts, to camouflage their true intent of making America look like an Ayn Rand novel.

Yeah, the Six Sisters foundations: Heritage, AEI, Olin, Cato and two others I can’t remember. One of the reasons that they ball so hard is that conservatism pays way better than being a liberal.

I heard his ashes were spread in a peaceful, prosperous, and liberated Iraq.

There is also the Powell memo, that really got the ball rolling.

And it has been very effective.

As a younger man I gave money to Cato… still get mailers from them from time to time.

The extremists (Trump Republicans) took over.

It started 34 years ago.

Sean has been telling us over the radio that this is the most important midterm elections in our lifetime, and that we need to vote Republican for Congress and Senator this coming midterm election.

Highlights of the op-ed:

Meaningless noise is this administration’s appropriate libretto because, just as a magnet attracts iron filings, Trump attracts, and is attracted to, louts.

In today’s GOP, which is the president’s plaything, he is the mainstream. So, to vote against his party’s cowering congressional caucuses is to affirm the nation’s honor while quarantining him. A Democratic-controlled Congress would be a basket of deplorables, but there would be enough Republicans to gum up the Senate’s machinery, keeping the institution as peripheral as it has been under their control and asphyxiating mischief from a Democratic House. And to those who say, “But the judges, the judges!” the answer is: Article III institutions are not more important than those of Articles I and II combined.

But you know, Will is an elitist snob with no real understanding of modern conservatism, so…

All sarcasm aside, it’s distressing to see what’s become of the GOP and by extension, American conservatism. Hijacked so easily by a man as deplorable as Donald.

He’s been saying that about every election since he’s been on the air.

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There are many self proclaimed conservatives that really aren’t! They’re more like “liberal-light” aka RHINO’s and this piece of work George Will tops the list.

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You guys can’t even remember what happened yesterday, let alone what happened at the beginning of modern conservatism.


“RHINO’s”?? Anyway, George Will ended up leaving the Republican Party a couple of years ago.

The result of Will’s foolishness will be the takeover of the house by radical leftists who will make it their first priority to impeach Trump.

I have nothing but disgust for conservative Never Trumpers who would rather have radical leftists take over the country than to have anything to do with Trump.

I actually see that as a sickness, as in Trump Derangement Symptom.