George Will - Trump is no longer the worst person in government

That’s who I thought was telling me I wasn’t a conservative.

Ehh…I think this is all due to opinion/perception. Beauty- as well as ugly- is always in the eye of the beholder. In my opinion, Trump is worse than Pence. Trump has flip-flopped on a lot of issues, has done things for show. Lots of deception going on. It may be just my personal problem with his flavor of politics though. :woman_shrugging:

Don’t shoot the messenger.

Perhaps. Although I thought this analysis was interesting.

From the article…

Let’s go back in time. Pence came to prominence during his days in the House. He rocketed up through the ranks in Congress thanks to his ability to bridge the gap between social and fiscal conservatives and his telegenic presence on cable TV. He left Congress in 2012 to run for governor – a move widely seen as laying the groundwork for a national bid.

But Pence’s political future grew cloudy as chief executive of his home state – bogged down by a massive national controversy over his decision to sign a religious freedom bill and then his backtracking on some of the provisions in it viewed as anti-gay. By 2016, Pence was facing a serious battle for a second term. His hopes of being a major player on the national stage had faded considerably.

And then Trump named him as VP.

From Pence’s perspective, it all made sense. No one thought Trump would win. In the wake of that loss, Pence could effectively portray himself as a party guy, someone who signed on to a troubled ticket in hopes of rescuing it for the good of the party but ultimately couldn’t do it. The Trump loss would fall entirely on Trump and his deep flaws as a candidate. Pence would emerge unscathed and, as importantly, with a massive amount of name ID and credibility with Republican activists and donors looking for a 2020 nominee to take down President Hillary Clinton.

Except Trump won. And that changed everything for Pence. The second it was clear Trump was actually going to be president, Pence grasped the fact that he was now wedded to Trump forever. And, rather than run from that characterization or try to create some healthy distance between himself and the wildly unpredictable President, Pence sprinted toward Trump and laid a massive bear hug on him. And he’s never let go.

Can’t. Wont go through the internet.

  1. That’s funny.
  2. More evidence that 2nd amendment people want guns to shut down arguments they are losing by implying threats of murder. It’s happened numerous times on here.

Would you threaten to murder me (even jokingly) in person if I called out your for supporting monsters like Trump and Arpario? I don’t think you would.

Oh, get serious. Or rather, get unserious. Lets not pretend you were threatened.

I do not disagree in the slightest. And there are plenty of us that do hold Trump supporters to account when they do as much. But again, reality is not black and white, and we are talking about individuals here. And on an individual level, Doug has shown he believes in many conservative principles.

As many Trump supporters will tell you, the man likely does not represent 100% of what they want or believe in. I think rather than just rashly chastising them in total, calling them out on individual topics is much more effective, and could even begin to change their perspective. We have had more than a few posters who cast a vote for Trump, turn away from his and his brand of horrible.

Just bashing them though, only causes them to dig their heels in defiance. And yes, some will forever be tainted by their support of the man.

I know you were making a joke, but people with guns making jokes about killing people is a good way to cheat at winning arguments you can’t win through intellect.

I’m just curious if you would joke about shooting me face to face or if you would be worried about repercussions to joking about shooting me for challenging you.

Hey, don’t worry.

If (or when) Trump goes down in a flaming wreck, and needs to be flushed down the GOP/Wingnut memory hole (and long term, this is probably inevitable), you can bet Trump will be cast as not-a-true-conservative in a flash; he’ll become the responsibility of liberals and Democrats, who were really the ones to blame blah blah blah. Just you watch.

Relax. I don’t even own a gun.,

You’re a better man than me. I’m not to worried about winning their support. I think they’ll never change their mind. I think Trump is fundamentally unfit for office and to support him in any capacity is something that people shouldn’t be coddled about. But I also understand your point.

Interesting. Sorry for you profiling you as a gun owner. Sincerely.

I was a Democrat back then. Different times. Old thinking.

Good job, Will… seriously. Some esoteric history book in the wonk section of a library will include you in a footnote.

I’m no better than any other my friend. As my wife tells people, I’m just more seasoned. I used to get a kick out of it, because of the double entendre when I was a little salt-and-a-lot-pepper. But unfortunately now, the pepper has given way to all salt. :man_facepalming:

So your issue is that he has taken positions opposite of yours for decades now. Don’t hate the man for being right when you’re wrong. :wink:

When were you a Democrat?

And abortion…what happened to getting rid of abortion?

It must be opposite day round here.

Oh, the irony. I am a long-recovering Reagan-youth conservative: Alexa P. Keaton, if you will. Back in the 80s, I was a big fan of Will’s: he was on Phil Donahue’s show, and took on a crowd of mealy-mouthed liberal bleeding hearts, like Neo in The Matrix. I still have an autographed copy of The Morning After, which I got signed after he gave a talk once. Those were the days: my misspent wingnut youth. :slight_smile: