George Will - Trump is no longer the worst person in government

It depends on how you look at it Nebraska. He’s an intellectual, and I a philosopher perhaps. He thinks and writes in the abstract. Commoners, like me don’t feel like we have the luxury, and probably not the brilliance of George Will. I’m OK if he is, or can be considered a conservative. I’m also willing to give consideration to what he says, in the abstract. It would be very interesting if liberals and conservatives, could just talk about things in the abstract. That’s not the way most of us live, discuss, or argue (even on here).

If you were being sincere, here is a link to many of his op-ed’s with the Post, whose publication he has been writing for since 1974.

Being thoughtful and articulate and well read is not something restrictive to just abstract thinkers my friend. And you don’t have to be in the upper-echelon of brilliance to discuss things intelligently. I fear you’re doing a disservice to those you refer to as “commoners” by discounting their ability to engage in this type of discourse. But with regards to what defines someone as holding conservative principles, views, or beliefs, that can be ascertained in their positions regarding the slew of issues our nation has faced, and is facing.

George Will represents conservatives.
Donald Trump and his followers are nativist populists.
You aren’t a conservative.

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George Will is a remnant of a bygone era of the Republican party. A time when ideas and fiscal responsibility were important. A time when holy men didn’t have so much influence in the party.

Will, Ronald Reagan, William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater are all but forgotten. Replaced by Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump, Jerry Falwell Jr and corporations.


I’m with you, though my escape was to libertarianism. Truth be told, though, I was really libertarian all along. I just mistakenly bought the “limited government” line GOP types bandied about for years. Really, that’s always been a lie.

The nomination of Trump was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The gutless members of the GOP could have shunned hum at any point, but it was anything but Hillary at the point.


I do not believe that is any more fair of a description of Doug than it is when Trump supporters call me a liberal, even though I am a principled conservative. I’ve interacted with Doug for many, many years now, and he most certainly does hold some very conservative views. Sure, he supports the President, but that does not mean he does not also hold some conservative ideology.

Sadly, you seem to have nailed it here.

From his article:
"There will be negligible legislating by the next Congress, so ballots cast this November will be most important as validations or repudiations of the harmonizing voices of Trump, Pence, Arpaio and the like. "

It seems like he is calling on voters to vote against conservative Republicans and in favor of liberal Democrats here. No, he is no conservative. He is what he calls the conservative Pence, and opportunist. I am sure his “conservatism” makes his bosses at the Washington Post and MSNBC happy.
More money to spend at the baseball game, I guess.

Completely agree…

People like Will… intelligent, rational, principled, honorable… are no longer part of todays conservtism…

Trump has redefined what conservatism is to match his views…

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Which is basically to make as much money as possible and insult those who disagree with him.

You cannot support Donald Trump and be a conservative. They are incompatible.

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Urging people to not allow the GOP, of which he has spent his life as a member of, to become fully entrenched as a party of people like Trump or Arpaio, and instead try to reclaim its conservative soul which was sold out for short-term victory, rather than long-term conservative governance, makes him no conservative? That’s weird.


people like Will… did not know how to fight progressive liberalism. He’s like riding his horse, intelligent and stuffy sword held high, into a chem-bio weapon cloud.

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While I recognize the sentiment, reality is not that black and white.

I think Pence is exactly what he has always been. He hasn’t changed…it’s just more noticeable now that he’s VP.

He’s always been a pious, hardened-partisan.

I think normalizing Trump and Arpario is dangerous and that we have to call people out when they are supporting monsters instead of coddling them.

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Do you consider yourself a conservative? Why ? For whom did you vote in 2012?
Just want to see who is telling me I can’t be a conservative.

I’m a liberal democrat. I have relatives who are conservative. You are not a conservative.

Helping Reagan get elected totally agrees with your point here. :rofl:

Will helped Ronald Reagan prepare for his 1980 debate against Jimmy Carter. Immediately after the debate, Will—not yet a member of the ABC News staff—appeared on ABC’s Nightline. He was introduced by host Ted Koppel, who said “It’s my understanding that you met for some time yesterday with Governor Reagan”, and that Will “never made any secret of his affection” for the Republican candidate. Will did not explicitly disclose that he had assisted Reagan’s debate preparation, or been present during it. He went on to praise Reagan’s “thoroughbred” performance, saying his “game plan worked well. I don’t think he was very surprised”.[38]