General Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis Is Leaving

This building’s totally burning down.

Impeachment talk is just game theory at this point. Things have to get really bad to even begin having that conversation in a serious manner. Mattis resigning is neither peculiar nor surprising. Trumps isolationalist views just don’t line up with the generally accepted post-WWII foreign policy. The question is, if Trump nominates a hardcore isolationist, will McConnell adhere to his recent statement and shoot down the nomination?

Well it hasn’t been good. I’m starting to tune quite a bit out, nothing I can do about it, what’s to be will be.

That’s the thing. We think this month is wild. It’s gonna become super duper duper weird here really soon. Indictments, government shut down, plummeting stock market, the SecDef resigning in protest- the next stage will be Trump at his absolute worst- lashing out at everybody and everything and making extremely rash choices. Winter is coming.

Holy hell

geeeez oman

what in the hell

but he’s the only one stopping the…


Well, at least we still have the NFL.

You haven’t heard? Vince McMan brought the XFL back. It’s all CTE all the time.

Yeah the Seahawks should still get a wildcard spot. So I guess there is that.

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If Patrick Mahomes signs with the XFL, I will watch. Otherwise, it’s all NFL for me.

Yes, but they won’t win the SB. I’m fine with other teams winning though, although of course there are certain ones I will be rooting for over others.

Anyway, a lot of people may be looking for escapism, especially since anything that may happen politically is out of our control.

Yeah the Hawks won’t get far. I’m down for mindless entertainment tho…

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It’s going to be my New Years resolution.

Don’t remember where I read it, but one writer said in his article that Mattis was the nation’s security blanket. I thought that was an accurate description.

This was a bad day. :cry::cry:

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Ya but you got a tax cut and no hillary!

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You guys notice which countries were in Mattis’ resignation letter and which countries were not?

I do get a bit of schadenfreude at the idea of certain suckers getting a small tax cut and then watching the market tank.

It’s like being happy someone cased your house but left you a beer in the fridge.

He did not mention new guinea

Question for trump supporters, who do you trust more with foreign policy, fat donald or Gen. Mattis?

Hmm…I always took you for more of a baseball fan. For some reason I see your name and the first thing that comes to my mind is, “take me out to the bullpen.”

Weird, huh?

The only other sport I’ve been interested in was the NHL, when I lived in the midwest. Now it’s just football.

Impeachment is not the solution. Trumpists will just use it to amplify their massive, massive victimhood.

Trump and Trumpists must be roundly repudiated at the polls. America must speak with one voice on this. The voice of Congress, even if it convicts, is insufficient to completely shut down Trumps backers and his enablers.