Gee I thought the ACA Was Supposed to Help the Needy

Because those people vote more.

You are correct and out here in the real world, I wouldn’t. Here in Hannity Land…all is on the table and my observations have a strong probability of being spot on…and worth discussion IMO.

It’s funny, young people are criticized for spending too much money. But at the same time, they are criticized for saving too much and not pumping money into the economy.

If you see me criticize someone for saving…feel free to call out my hypocrisy but…I practice what I preach.

Of course it is.

Now, what about those of us who put money aside (rather than getting tattoos or whatever discretionary income was spent on) so if a medical emergency came up we could pay our way?

Not saying you do, but many people heavily invested in the stock market certainly want young people to send as much as possible.

I can honestly tell you that I have a personal rule…I will NOT…make money…at someone else’s expense.

Must be nice to always be so ahead of the game, never once spending a dime on something you don’t need, and always knowing just enough about a stranger to decide everything about them and feel so good about yourself. Classic conservative horse ■■■■■

Ps one of my best friends has a ton of tattoos. She’s married to a tattoo artist and hasn’t paid a dime for any of them. You don’t know other people’s business, but if it helps you get through the day to pound your chest with self righteous bloviating by all means have at it.

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Nope…I find it’s quite common to get data in a drip, drip, drip fashion? How about you?

Doesn’t take much. Read your plan and prepare for the worst. Stick the money you save into something that provides a return. If you need it it is there. If you don’t well, let it keep giving you a return. Not rocket science. Or…is it?

Yeah. Taking responsibility for self and family? How passe.

Good for her. I have zero issue with that. I am a conservative. I appreciate freedom.

What I take issue with is if she hasn’t prepared for medical emergencies because tattoos are more important. Wanting others to pick up the tab for “her” lack of planning or foresight.

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Oh, but they do. Even CNN, a favorite liberal source, documents it:

I understand the rationale behind it. Who wants to wonder if they lose their job will they be able to get medical care? But, IMO, private systems with private insurance or cash pay should exist side by side in single payer systems so that those who don’t trust the systems or their physicians can have an alternative.

Personally I wish all medicine could be concierge, as it is in dispensaries and among some alternative medicine practitioners. Pay that day & be on your way, never get a problem like rejected payments from a third party. ■■■■ health insurance.

Where I live concierge is definitely the trend.

Let doctors do what they do best. Not look at a computer screen that tells them what to think.

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Better get your facts straight Obama embraced the ACA instead of single payer because he couldn’t get the blue dog dems in red states on board. It had nothing to do with getting GOP support. He did not need one single GOP vote. You should quit trying to push that big fairy tale. Because there are many of us who remember how things went down.

Maybe you need to talk to my son in law sometime. He has nothing good to say about the single payer system that he had to use before coming to the United States. He will also tell you that if his mother would have come here when he wanted her too instead of depending on the single payer health care system in the country he grew up in she would be alive today.

Look upwards. The point is flying over your head.

Take responsibility for yourself, yes. Judge others, not a pretty look. You don’t know this person’s story. Stop acting like you’re a better person because you have different circumstances.

I always wondered why the “shared responsibility payment” wasn’t simply called the “being too poor to pay premiums” tax. I guess calling a tax on the poor a tax on the poor wouldn’t sit too well with the poor.

Revisionist history. Remember that more than 100 Republican amendments to the ACA were put to a vote and seventy or so were adopted. It was only when the final vote came. Contrast that with the Republican repeal effort two years ago – the one that McCain tanked. Democrats were not allowed to bring a single amendment to the floor.

The Republican involvement in the shaping of the bill demonstrates how much House Republicans were involved in the process unit their late-in-the-game decision to oppose.

I agree with you but…this is a discussion board and that’s what we do here…discuss. You can judge…that I’m judging by me not being silent about all of those expensive tattoos covering her body, when she has medical bills and two children to care for but let’s also not be ignorant of any factors that are present in this case, we are discussing. Placing the needs of those two children ahead of your wants should be a basic premise of a mother and father…period.


More poor people and children are insured.

That’s an odd definition of failure.
