Gavin Newsom recall has

i think it is what i see going on

Yeah they are called fever dreams…

This however is interesting and not surprising given that Dem outnumber Repugs 2-1

Oh boy, I guess that settles it. Another stolen election.

Haven’t you heard blind people are ripe for fraud!

Trot out the ninjas!

Speaking of which where is that report on election fraud by AZ? :thinking:

The ninjas should have completed it by now…

The evidence is there according to so called conservatives…hmn

At polling places? Why?

so if Larry loses its because fraud without any proof.

Republican really hate democracy.

If you can’t trust random person on local news, who can you trust.

Yeah, that’s pretty much all they got. Such pathetic losers.

Honestly I am sad to see it

Democracy is over-rated.

Well the whole thing is stupid.

It isn’t that Newsome is running on a platform because this is a recall effort. So it isn’t about issues… it is about confidence.

And confidence was pretty low in Newsome until Elder became the front runner as his potential replacement and people saw that he says some real crazy ■■■■ and were like… hey… there is an actual Governor race next year… let’s do it then.


Also how is not illegal to campaign at a church…
both parties are doing this and its seem super duper illegal to have preacher openly support a politician.

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It’s a problem. I agree.

We are a country of wierdos.

Been that way for a few hundred years.

Incase what if a guy notices another guy voting for Newsom and they get in a bar fight?

I think polls have just closed in Cali, or they have been closed for an hour. Time to tune in.

So far, “no recall” is winning. <1% is in.

If you don’t for Larry Elder, you are racist. And because you ain’t Black.

There is a 70-30 lead in favor of “No.” 43% in.

I don’t think he’ll be recalled.

If Republican ran someone less crazy they might have won.

1 county in the Bay arena is leading with “yes.”

Kind of surprising.