Fweedom Harris and Memorial Day - She gets It

Already did…

But I’ve been consistent on the matter. Can’t say the same for you. Forum search is a beautiful thang

Kamala’s tweet really got in the heads of some cons…sad

I hope it does not sour anyone’s long weekend…

KDS is a terrible thing


Quote it.

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Here we go :popcorn:


Good to see his handlers wrote something appropriate for his blog.

all he needs is a big stupid selfie to go with it huh?

I don’t think that his blog supports jpegs


Okay I know specifically how interested you were in the former guy denigrating the troops and the answer is not much.

Here are your first 2 responses, to Hillary. But nothing about Trump (which was also in the OP)

And another

Your first post… a defense of Trump

Looks like we had a similar exchange 2 years ago

Trumps biggest critic :rofl:

In neither thread can I find you disagreeing with Trump. Nor have you ever created a similar Thread for Trump when he did something other than “honor our dead soldiers”

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The answer is not at all.

See above

Wow… looking through that thread it almost seems like this criticism of the Vice President isn’t being done in good faith.


Forum search is a beautiful thing.

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I agree it’s a great feature

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Seems almost performative even. :grin::+1:


l really try to avoid the “but Trump” trope, but I feel compelled to remind us of Trump’s reluctance to visit grave yards in France in 2018, afraid that the rain would mess up his hair. He then went on to refer to the war dead as suckers and losers.

Can’t have his hair and makeup messed up by rain that would not look “presidential”

Yes, she understands that honoring fallen soldiers is gender discrimination of the worst kind since so many war dead were straight cis-males. Fortunately the Biden/Harris administration is promoting hyper-woke LGBT diversity and inclusion policies as the primary objective the military.

For example they are moving to correct the evil gendered motto from the VA, which is includes this quote from Lincoln:

“To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan . . .”

Exclusive – Robert Wilkie: Democrats Want to Rewrite VA Motto to Remove Language from Lincoln’s Second Inaugural (breitbart.com)

And they are making sure that straight cis-males are ignored in recruiting ads. Russia is way behind in the wokeness race:

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It’s all good. Hope you’re enjoying the long weekend.

I agree.