Future Scenarios in Russia/Ukraine

Ah, I see. In that case, a new threat matrix opens up.

However, the point I am (clumsily) trying to make: let us jettison our doom spiral negativity and root for Ukraine to solve their problem for us.

Team Democracy!:fist:


Okay. That is an option on the threat matrix. I still say the stakes aren’t high enough to bust out the nukes.

Also as I posted previously: NATO would probably establish a cordon sanitaire 10 miles (or whatever) from the Russian border. You know team Democracy✊️will take a beat for diplomacy.

There are no guarantees that Lira’s analysis is correct. On the other hand, he appears to be an eyewitness to events in Kharkov and his account contradicts the narratives in US media. My point is that we need to take all the reports from Ukraine with a lot of skepticism.

The track record of the US corporate media about similar issues has been abysmal, and only years later do they begin to admit the truth. The New York Times finally admitted that the Biden laptop is real and not Russian disinformation. Oops, sorry!

A year after the US invaded Iraq the Times admitted:

The verdict: The Times reporting was flawed, and relied too heavily and credulously on now-suspect sources of WMD intelligence.
The New York Times WMD Coverage | PBS NewsHour

Will they end up issuing a similar retractions for the coverage about the current war in Ukraine?

Will the US get dragged into another war based on lies and misinformation?

My limited knowledge except what I’ve seen…Russia military would quickly be destroyed in any conventional war with the west. And big question is then what.

I also believe China is watching closely. Is China navy as good as Americans? If they perform the the way Russia did on land China navy would be destroyed just as quick.

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8 posts were merged into an existing topic: It’s Official, The Laptop Is Real

Precisely…if we kill Russians on their soil all bets are off. Again I as said many times here…we need to be thinking about post Putin regime.

After that how to integrate them with the west. Not making them out to be the enemy for EU expansionism.

The problem is we have people on both sides of political aisle demanding more.

I’ll give Biden a B+. Now having said that remember it as late as Dec Biden was advocating Ukraine to join NATO.


Please provide a link showing that anything in the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation.

Real journalists would have noted the suspicions of the former intel officials, but also noted they admitted there was no evidence to support the idea that the laptop is Russian disinformation. They would also have followed up to see if there was any independent confirmation for the contents of the laptop. That is what the Tucker Carlson and the New York Post did:

The same people who spread lies and misinformation about the Biden laptop are now leading the reporting on Russia and the war in Ukraine. Given the history, their current reports are highly suspect at best. They could very well get us into a bloody war with Russia based on false information.

They would start using tactical nukes way before 10 miles from the border.

Keith Ablow ended up with a Hunter Biden laptop.

How does that happen?

so far all his generals end up getting fired or arrested.

I appreciate the B+. Biden is riding a rail here. And just getting pummeled on each side. He’s weak and caused this…why won’t he declare a no fly zone…he is driving us to war…Biden wants war…

In the end…I think he’s doing the correct thoughtful thing. He’s been very clear that the US will not fight in Ukraine. It’s not NATO. But we will support them to to degrees Russia didn’t imagine so that Ukraine can defend their country, and Russia’s economy will collapse.

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Agreed. It’s a tight line to walk, but what other line is there to walk?


The US doesn’t share much outside of five eyes (US, UK, Canada, NZ, AUS). If information is being shared with other countries it depends on the classification and compartmentalization of the requested info. There are levels of classification, and of course with the proper authority, special concessions can be made for special circumstances.


To be fair aren’t they really lieutenant generals (more field-commander-types)?

I know they still shouldn’t be getting picked off like they are, but it’s not like 4 star generals out there getting smoked.

Interesting. Thanks for posting that.

I think the Biden administration is playing this correctly. Zelensky wants certain things we can’t give. And he should ask for them. But we can give him so much of what he wants. And we are. He needs to play his role. And we need to play our role of making sure the planet isn’t destroyed.


Dang, yup.

The more I think about it, the whole thing is analogous to a very delicately coordinated dance.

Or a play with a difficult script to pull off, and none of the actors knows the ending yet.

Sure thing. Ahh, the Army days.