Full Durham report

Well, that’s true


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Because they knew you© would believe it.

Pelosi being out of Speaker was a red wave, look at those GOP chairs now…

Mueller Report showed the Dems were out to get President Trump. It failed to nail him. And now #45 has been vindicated again with the Durham Report.


Find one quote in the Mueller Report that supports what you are saying.

You are confusing the Mueller Report, which documented the assistance the Russians gave the Trump campaign and the uses of the Trump campaign made of the Russian aid with the Dunham Report.

It seems fairly clear that you have not read either to them.

evil how about no

I was promised a wave.

The Red Wave was supposed to provide a commanding Republican House Majority and a Republican Senate. It fell far short of what was expected. But if you have to move the goalposts to claim a win, go ahead.

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Right. It wasn’t.

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Is an FBI making decisions based on political biases illegal?
Is the FBI making decisions based on political biases a problem that should be identified and publicized?
I guess the latter depends on whether their weaponization works for or against one.

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Wasn’t even pink ripple.

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It may be illegal yes but i have to double check

Yes it’s very important that this be publicized.

The issue remains imo that this report, the Horowitz report and the muller report were primarily tools to placate rather than to bring about real change.

Now do jbiden and all his ties to China and Ukraine and how jbiden is vulnerable to blackmail by these two countries and many others? Because believe me China is much more of a threat to the United States than Russian will ever be.
Now back to the Clinton bought and paid for lies that the left now wants to hand wave away because they have been exposed as liars and cheaters.
The pack of lies known as the dossier was paid for by hillary. Jbiden and obama knew it was nothing but lies. The DOJ knew it was lies but they ran with it anyway because they knew partisans like you would not care as long as what they did gained your party more power. Showing something that some of us have known for a long time. Most leftist don’t care about the country. The past few years have shown that many leftist would cheer eliminating over half the population. They believe that half the country is evil.
If I was the democrat instead of spending more time going after Trump I would be spending my time cleaning my own house. Because what has been exposed as of now is just the tip of the democrat corruption.
The FBI was so partisan that they used what they knew were lies to try to unseat an elected President. The FBI again in 2020 gathered all their partisan friends to once again interfere into another election. And here you are pointing and saying but Trump is worse.
What the Durham exposed in the DOJ should cause both parties to say this should never have happened and we expect the people we sent to DC to put a stop to this. Instead we have many on the left saying so what Durham did not send anyone to jail so we don’t care about the corruption in the demorat party.

Lol now there is an image i did not want.

Want it or not, Hildawg was in the dacha

And that weekend of sweet sweet love is now forever imprinted on my mind LOL.


Hildawg’s too


Moving the goal posts, look in the mirror H_Arendt. Pelosi ruled with an iron fist with exactly the same slim majority in the previous two years. As a result, freakin’ Biden has to negotiate with the GOP Congress the next two years.

The goal post move was declaring victory with a tiny majority after a year of claiming the red wave would enable the Republicans to run the table…

No, it’s not moving the goalposts. I was promised the Senate and a huge majority in the House.