Frozen embryos are ‘children,’ Alabama Supreme Court rules in couples’ wrongful death suits


What are you “ok” with?

Can’t have morals without a book?

Can’t have morals without a study?

Not touching that thread. You are not asking in good faith.

Even in the OP… you said libs were upset with the judge using the Bible as a guide.

That not what he did… he directly quoted the Bible.

One absolutely can. Can someone have morals without a bible?

I understand and don’t blame you. Have a nice day.

Try not starting a thread with a false premise if you want my participation.

I don’t.

Good post. Politically all this will do is continue to push moderate voters away from Republicans.


So you should have the privacy to kill?

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oh i feel special.

why not.

i always answer peoples questions posed on this forum.

why not a little human kindness in the forum.

or is that not possible.


what about the concerns of the fertility doctors in America?

from the WRAL website

“On Friday, WRAL News spoke with Dr. Meaghan Bowling, who is the IVF director for Carolina Conceptions. She expressed her concern about IVF patients’ ability to get treatment.

“The Alabama ruling is very important and has led to a lot of concern and honestly fear among the fertility doctors throughout the nation,” Bowling said.”

doctors fearful of the ruling.

just a really bad ruling.


I appreciate your detailed analysis of the court’s opinions and your alignment with Justice Cook’s dissent, emphasizing the potential impact on the IVF industry in Alabama and the need for legislative clarification. The concerns raised about Chief Justice Parker’s special concurrence are duly noted.

The pattern is simple.

Ask a question, laugh at the answer.

Why would I bother?

I don’t want to be a part of the ongoing garbage dump that is consistently the content of your posts.

I’m doing this for you. By not abetting your stupid posts, I’m doing a great kindness for you. Consider it a gift.

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You should put that same advice in the thread(s) where people are going on and on ignorantly about the NY Trump fraud decision they haven’t read.

one mans garbage is another ones treasure depending on the POV.

you obviously have a different POV than myself.

viva la difference.



And now you know why I said, “Not you.”

And this is a rare non-garbage post from you! Well done!

Glad I could help with that.