Frozen embryos are ‘children,’ Alabama Supreme Court rules in couples’ wrongful death suits

Read it, not about it.

Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that this Convention express the belief that society has a responsibility to affirm through the laws of the state a high view of the sanctity of human life, including fetal life, in order to protect those who cannot protect themselves; and

work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother

Definitely not “open.” I will agree that the last clause is pro life problematic.

The Southern Baptist Convention, as preachy as it is, was not immune to the cancer of crit feminism.

Closed on abortion (opposite of open) would mean that SBC wouldn’t allow for any exceptions. Right?

Therefore open means they were open to abortion.

And lol at “crit feminism”

Guv already won the dispute.

Sure. :+1:

If you have to tell others you or your idea won…… you/it didn’t.

What a totally idiotic idea to try and defend.

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I bolded it for you.

Still waiting.

Why does one need a book?

However for guiding public policy… there are scientific studies that are often used to implement laws.

What is the opposite of closed?

It doesn’t have to be a book.


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Doesn’t have to be a book but reject studies.

You aren’t interested in a serious discussion it seems. Which is what I thought

Where does one get it? Where do you get yours?

Come on man!

This whole line of questioning you are on started because someone rejected to use of biblical quotes in a judicial ruling. We are not a theocracy. A libertarian like you claim to be should reject any notion of directly injecting scripture into rulings.

Man wrote the Christian bible and not need another book to do it. It was intuitive and innate. For example, most don’t need a book to initiatively know that killing another human is bad.

Freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.


How do they know?

So you would be ok with a Muslim Judge issuing a ruling directly quoting the Quran?

Do you know what intuition is?

Of course. I doubt it will go well for him.

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Yes. It doesn’t apply here.

Those libertarian values again :rofl:

I am not ok with it.