Frozen embryos are ‘children,’ Alabama Supreme Court rules in couples’ wrongful death suits

What little moral code critprogs have left also came from scripture, not more than 3 generations back.

Somehow it got cool to deny it.

Probably college.



I accept that I am culturally Christian. I was raised by dedicated Christians and was raised in the church. And a lot of it has stuck with me throughout my life despite my changing religious views (going from Christian, to Buddhist, and now a Deist more or less).

I think they just have to hate something ya know?

A lot of people don’t like being held to a standard. They know they won’t measure up.

Much more fun to be a selfish, petulant child.


More importantly it’s much easier.

People are so averse to struggling, both mentally and physically today it’s mind boggling. It’s a huge part of what makes us human. It what keeps us in contact with our ancestors who lived centuries ago.

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To become sharp, a sword must be polished.

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Incorrect. He couldn’t defend his position from a simple comparison and took his ball and went home rather than defend his weak argument.

Would you care to pick up the torch and try? Feel free.

What is the other side then?

The Southern Baptist Convention affirmed access to abortion should be open in 1971.They reffirmed this in 1974 and again in 1976. Yet it became an issue a couple of years later.

The road that the moral majority took to get there is well documented… so what is the other side of the story?

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The side that they believe in.

Isn’t that all human conflict is? Stories. And what one chooses to believe.

We haven’t changed that much since our ancestors that ate their meat raw under the night sky.

Right… and the story that the Moral Majority now tell themselves is antitheitcal to the history. In 1976 they were pro choice… in 1979 it became an issue of great importance to them and caused them to align not with a fellow Evangelical but with Reagan.

What caused this rapid shift in Evangelicals to care about what they considered to be Catholic issue?

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Political power. Isn’t that the center of everything?

No they didn’t.

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But the touchstone of launching the Evangelicals into politics was the policy of Carter to force Evangelical Segregation academies to integrate if they accepted Federal Funding.

This is well documented and even admitted by one of the architects of the Moral Majority Paul Weyrich.

This goes back to my previous point… that in my lifetime we went from Evangelicals accepting that women should have access to abortion to Blastocysts have personhood.

I just think that it is pretty wild that that shift happened so quick.

All for political power.

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Eh. People have killed over less.

That is a rather odd response… especially now that we have IVF ceasing to be a thing in a State of the Union because of it.

Just accepting that I’m literally helpless to do anything about it.

For what it’s worth, I think this decision was dumb. And I hope the state legislature passes an amendment to their constitution to fix it. But I don’t see that happening.

The dog caught its tail here. Even though I’m mostly pro life i accept that.

I just find it interesting that a direct line can be drawn from White Evangelicals getting mad that Bob Jones University fighting racial integration to IVF becoming an impossibllity in Alabama.

And Of course they won’t pass legislation to fix it because that would mean that a Conservative legislature would have to pass something that codifies into law that Fetal Personhood does not exist and that would give up the game.

Google exists and this is what you do? :rofl:

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Is that “open.”


Access to abortion is definitely open.

Might want to read both the post and your link again. Maybe look up the word “open.”