Freedom Exemplified

I already answered that.


Not TRYING to do anything other than state that it’s unfortunate that some (copyright) only see pets as property.

In the part you edited out in the quote.

“Only” is your word.


Oh, today must be Obvious Day-thanks for the reminder!

Yeah, the dog piece of this incident bummed me out.

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In the majority of failed suicide attempts, people do not try again.

Figure it out…

You want to force her to fail?

Do you have something to offer the discourse or just the usual?

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:joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Ironic irony is ironic.

Maybe I should have spoken in meme instead.

Historically, who in the US has worked against people being able to make their own end-of-life decisions?

Please stop trolling.


It’s not trolling to comment on posts people make in a thread. It’s unfortunate that “she shouldn’t have killed her dog along with herself” was met with “it was her dog.” Don’t expect people who find that to be a callous way to look at animals not to meet that comment with a response, such as here:

Regardless, you wanted to narrow the topic back to the freedom to suicide, so I obliged and went to that.

The state of potential-candidate DeSantis recently did not allow a end-of-life bill to pass. Which states don’t allow it, and which do? Who has granted the freedom exemplified in your OP, and who has worked against it, historically?

Completely miss the point.

No, I got it all right. Who, historically, has attempted to abridge the “freedom” to end one’s own life?

About 99% chance of either deep depression or desperation.

Or both.

It is.

Wasn’t that once the arguments about wives and children?

They were property to be treated as the husband and father saw fit?

Neither pets nor wives and children should be seen as property to treat or mistreat or view as disposable.

This thread is disturbing.

It’s disturbing to see some regard vertebrate animals as not feeling physical or emotional pain or forming attachments or even survival instincts, they’re just things.

I’m sure some of these same individuals don’t see unborn humans as property or choices, but a companion animal is property?

Not sure it will make a difference to such minded individuals, but here goes:

I hate stories like the above.

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