Free Sgt. Daniel Perry

I hoped this was a dead story once Perry’s preferences for little girls came out. Due process should have been good enough for him.

Is this you’re way of saying you wish you’d been in the Navy?

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What does that have to do with the shooting?

Due process was good enough for his shooting.
Now he is getting special treatment and favors.

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Even the Navy has costume parties. :rofl:

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The pedo thread keeps spilling over into this one. :man_shrugging: :face_vomiting:

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Isn’t open carry allowed?

Anyone open carrying could potentially raise the gun up and shoot someone at any time.

Which is my argument against open carry…

But it’s the law, right, so…you can just shoot someone how has a gun in an open carry state because they MIGHT raise it up to you?

And his guilt in this matter was adjudicated by a jury of his peers. The matter was settled.

You can’t just walk up to someone, raise your weapon at them, and start barking orders like you’re someone.

Well you can, it’s just that your little bitch-made punk ass is gonna get clapped for being a retard on a power trip.


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Yes it is allowed. You have to weight the possible threat. Yes the jury did find him guilty but the Board of Pardons and Paroles deemed he should get a pardon.

Because the day after he was convicted, Abbot threw his weight behind it because Perry became the right wing cause celeb for the time.

He was murdering the other side… so it’s cool.

You mean just like the Liberal Soros DA threw his weight behind the prosecution?

A DA prosecuting a murder…. Oh the nerve!!!

Oh a parol board reviewing a case oh the horror

Yeah… they did… because Abbot threw his weight behind it.

Why did he do so?

It’s not that Perry is a great paragon of virtue.

He is a creepy dude who trolls for young girls and got excited at the thought of killing protestors.

He then drove into a crowd of protestors… running a red light to do so by the way… and then murdered someone who was open carrying because he felt threatened.

Not sure why this is the guy worth going to the Mat for… unless this is the type of thing that Abbot supports.

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That is EXACTLY when the assault began.

Great post.

Perry ran a red light.

It’s weird watching people who cheer on open carry celebrate a guy who killed someone for open carrying.

The board of pardons looked into it at The Gov’s request. Which is say, they knew what they were supposed to do…

This possible threat thing is exactly the problem with open carry.

How is the mall security guard supposed to tell the difference between a sane guy who like to carry a rifle to Macy’s and someone planning to shoot the mall up?

