Free Sgt. Daniel Perry


See how easy that is for honest people to answer? :rofl:


Lol infantry does not have any one lower to make themselves feel better. :joy::joy:


All we have are servants to support us. It gets lonely at the top. :sunglasses:

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Good…man shouldn’t have spent one day in jail.


They aren’t liberal…

No he didn’t…gaslighting again?



Start on page 66.

He also had search history in safari looking for “young girls”

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Seems there is more evidence there he said no then your claim Bidens daughter was not uncomfortable with showering with her dad. Why didn’t state prosecute him?

Both cases are bad. See how it is done.

The crowd was in the street

Right? Absolutely he did

Actively blocking the street during a violent and sustainder riot in the capitol.

No one?

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I’m sorry I don’t understand this post.

So what?

I know exactly one other human being on this mostly blue Earf who ever porcupine’d it with me through a hostile village, without an escort, in an unarmored SEE Truck with no windshield. It wasn’t whoever is in that pic. :sunglasses:

Streets aren’t for insurgents, they are for Ubers.

“Whoever”?! WHOEVER?!

I don’t know who you are…

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Infaneer. :sunglasses:

He did.

He even ran a red light to do it.

Pardons dont bother me, its a perk of certain offices and governors, presidents are entitled to pardon anyone they want (assuming they have jurdisction).