Free Sgt. Daniel Perry

Yeah, people tend to shoot you when you point guns at them. Funny, that.

If they thought he was a danger, they shouldn’t have surrounded him.

If it can be proven he went there looking for a fight, it could be problematic for him.

At the end of the day, if the rifle was raised at him first, he has a right to defend himself.

OK thanks.

Then I can’t comment until I learn more about the case and the Texas laws governing such a situation.

It was a protest March. They were looking for justice.

It is a sick sad world.

I for one am looking forward to armed political militias, they always turn out so well for liberal democracies.

They were not on the McCloskey’s property.

But I get the whole need to dehumanize to make it all better.

It was a mob looking to destroy.

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We are going down that path.

I am sure this time it will be fine.


That group of people in front of that house was simply marching by

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Well thankfully, in this country, both sides can be armed.

Crossfire for democracy. :us:

For those who are confused, here is how it works -

If someone points a gun then it is OK to shoot them because that is a threatening action.

If someone thinks people on their street are a mob then it is OK to point a gun at them.

The people on the street will then feel threatened and therefore they can shoot the people who pointed the guns at them.


They should, if someone is too dangerous to own a gun they don’t belong out on the streets where there a million ways in addition to guns, to kill people.

Well thank goodness for small favors that this happened when the 14-27 demographic don’t know how to really fight as a rule and aren’t millions of combat veterans with untreated PTSD.

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afaik 4th and congress is covered by our police’s gorgon stare cameras There should be video from a few cameras of it.

If not that’s a problem in and of itself. Police demanded trucks of money for those cameras and operators.

I do notice the opinion pieces that leave out the fact the man killed was also a vet and he was carrying his gun legally. Also might be worth noting that he pushing his disabled wife in her wheel chair at the rally.

tangentially, a couple of weeks ago the cable newsers made a big deal of a guy walking around with a machete at city hall. That was made legal like 2 years ago but if it’s really a problem someone get that man a gun.


Killeen, again.

In this case, the shooter from an hour and a half away says he was driving uber. That’s a long way to go to drive uber in the middle of well documented marches clogging downtown in a pandemic.

It is possible, a day driving Uber can take you pretty far from home.

No doubt the Uber records will be presented in court, to either support or refute this particular defense.

So from your perspective, it’s a clear dichotomy?

Either someone can own a gun, or they should be locked up for the their entire lives?

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That’s what I said. Guns are far from the only way to kill someone. Too dangerous to own a gun equals too dangerous to own a car or get on a bus, both of which make good weapons.