Frankly, I don't know what DeSantis is hoping to accomplish with this redistricting insanity


No. You are absolutely wrong, and you even admit it by using the word “perfect” as a cover for partisanship.


let us not forget during the coming election what the Revolutionary Democrat Party Leadership has done to our businesses, our families, our children and our homeland.

Is that what I’m doing…you do understand by limiting the power of state…I’m limiting the power of libs.

Oh wait…libs and state are same thing. Is that what you’re telling me? If so why don’t you just come out and say it.

You want the state to limits liberals, that are not part of the state.

To you, we are not your political opponent, to work with and compromise.

To you, we are the enemy, the freaks.the thugs. To you, 1w are god hating, pediphile supporting, communists.

That, is where a large part of the cons/pubs are today. And it is ■■■■■■■ sick.

Grow up.

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You are a very, very confused person, or perhaps intellectually dishonest to yourself. What needs to come to an abrupt end are those who use government force in a manner which violates the defined and limited powers of our federal government. Freedom loving people who support and defend our written constitution and the documented intentions and beliefs under which it was adopted, which gives context to its text, are not interested in compromising away the limits and protections expressed in our Constitution. And that is the dividing line which seems to separate loyal, law abiding, freedom loving American citizens from “liberals”.


“If the Constitution was ratified under the belief, sedulously propagated on all sides that such protection was afforded, would it not now be a fraud upon the whole people to give a different construction to its powers?”___ Justice Story

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That’s right libs are the enemy, specially when they use the power of the state to go after their political opponents. But again libs and the state is one an same


Other than admitting you perceive those that disagree with you over political differences as your enemy… (which is pretty ■■■■■■ up) you are talking in circles, and not making sense.

BTW, the tribe you support actually does, what you accuse others of doing. Very Rove of you.

Is that why libs like yourself support using feds to go after their political enemy?

And don’t even attempt to BS me.


Look what the Democrat Party Leadership has done to the voters in almost every political jurisdiction they control. Have they not turned it into a crap hole just like Baltimore?



Today’s Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Socialist Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist!


What happened with walk away

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What on earth does that have to do with what you just responded to?


They are not “liberals” or “progressives”. They are Socialist Revolutionaries, the very kind who took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist.

You may want to review your walk away thread and your repeated use of that as proof of your assertion. That answer your question or will there be a massive eye roll? Let’s see

How is this being done?

I still would like to know how your POST relates to WHAT I WROTE

Has a Democrat Leadership not been in control of Baltimore for generations?

Has Baltimore not been a crap hole for generations?


The Democrat Party’s Revolutionary Leadership, detests people being left free to mutually agree in their contracts and associations, and likewise detests a free market, free enterprise system.

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Uh . . . do you not keep up with what is happening around you, e.g. see:



They are not “liberals” or “progressives”. They are Socialist Revolutionaries, the very kind who took over Cuba and now rule over the people with an iron fist.

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How about the President blackmailing a country by withholding foreign aid unless they dig up dirt on his political opponent?


2 RW hack hit pieces? :rofl:

Stay in your comfort zone…it is safe there.

It has been documented that is perfectly acceptable for the Republican party.

I’m fine with term limits for the presidency. That position is far too powerful to let one man stay there for life. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Any man who spends twenty years in the chair will become a corrupt psychopath.

All other positions, I agree. No need for term limits.

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A very old, tired and stupid debating trick . . . attack the messenger and not the message.

Is you name calling confirmation you cannot refute what is posted?


The liberty to succeed or fail at one’s own hand is a socialist revolutionaries’ nightmare and not the American Dream

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didn’t happen.