FOXNews: Judge rules New York City bar can refuse service to Trump supporter wearing MAGA hat

Move to a state where gays don’t like wedding cake.

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You’re missing my point. Not a surprise though.

If your point is trying to conflate those two events, it’s not a good point.

what is your point the people of “X” state can’t pass a bill protecting a chosen demographic from discrimination?

simply because your religious doesn’t allow you to discriminate other people case in point Catholics, Irish, Blacks, Italians, Jews, etc.

Freedom of religion is a constitutional right.

do I as a Catholic have the freedom to refuse service to a White Protestant because I think his religion is fake and a mockery of mine? Something Catholic once thought.

do I as a Catholic have the freedom to refuse service to Hispanics and Blacks because I think they are subhuman due to my religious belief? Something Catholic once thought.

does a Muslim cab driver have the freedom to refuse service to woman because they don’t think woman should be allowed outside of the house alone?

so why should homosexual not be allowed the same protection under the law?

Freedom of Religion doesn’t grant you freedom to discriminate.

Obviously. That’s a strange choice of phrasing for what you meant.

What does the 1st Amendment say?

Religion doesn’t give you the right to discriminate.

No, it says the gov’t can’t.

no it say public accommodation can’t.
any public business is a public accommodation.

You’re just making ■■■■ up as you go along. The First Amendment says nothing about “public accommodation”.

are you suggesting the civil right act is unconstitutional?

I’ll ask you again, “what does the first amendment say” on the subject of religion?

doesn’t matter the courts have ruled that religious belief doesn’t allow public discrimination.

the government has simply extended their authority granted to them from the civil right act to protect other classes such as homosexual which has gain been proven to be Constitutional.

Are you just fundamentally incapable of giving a straight answer?

One more time.

What does The First Amendment say on the subject of religion?

The first amendment does not in any way protect people choice to publicly discriminate against their follow citizens.

maybe in a perfect society such rules wouldn’t need to exist but you couldn’t be trusted to play nicely with your toys and kept discriminating against black people so big mean poppa government gave you a time out.

now back to the subject of the thread political belief isn’t a protected class but Trump voters are free to change their state laws like homosexual did to add it.

Not bad lol

Ok so once again we’ve established that you are fundamentally incapable of giving a straight answer.
