Fox News Poll Shows A Majority Support Impeachment

I hope you are right, but listening to some of the vocal Trump supporters in Senate, it’s scary.

Could a by-product of this process cause some Republicans to consider whether Trump will be so politically damaged by the process that an alternate candidate may need to run for the Republicans in the 2020 election?

Extremely doubtful. Thing is he won’t be that damaged. He could nuke Omaha tomorrow and then just blame it on fake news and Pelosi and the great unwashed masses would still support him.

The latest CNBC All-America Economic Survey found 47% opposing impeachment hearings and 44% approving.

That poll is a week older than the Fox poll.

It seems that there may be a trend towards supporting impeachment and removal.


…or…it’s wrong? Both wrong?

Could be. Let’s see how this all plays out.

GHW and Carter did not make it…and neither of them were as messed up as Trump.

Him being elected was a perfect storm. I doubt that will strike twice. And he isn’t doing himself any favors with he actions.

(note, these are opinions, not facts)

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I mean we aren’t putting the fact that Trump claimed to be pro union, pro gay rights and pro healthcare in 2016 down the memory hole right?

True. But it has only been 3 weeks. Imagine what it will be in 3 months, after more and more of the corruption is revealed.





Lachlan Murdoch is probably thrilled.

I wouldn’t say crashing down, but the house of cards is definitely teetering how matter how much Trump and his supporters think or say otherwise. And to preserve this democracy, Trump’s insanity should fall. He is a mentally challenged president and he should never have been nominated or elected. He does not have the brain power to be president. His decisions – most recently with the whole Turkey situation – have been overwhelmingly incompetent. The country would be better off – dare I say it – with Pence as president even though Pence is off the cliff with many of his beliefs. I think Pence would show at least some stability that Trump clearly doesn’t have.

That poll is 10 days old :rofl:

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That means they’re both wrong. Apparently.

I wonder if liberals are getting tired of the whole “the house of cards is dismantling any second” mantra. They’ve been saying that exact thing since January 2017; perhaps earlier. I know because I visit DailyKos all the time; if you look at recommended blogs there’s almost always that crashing house of cards in there.

May as well toss this in the mix as well!

There is a variety of opinions on both sides of what is happening with Trump. I think the weight is definitely shifting towards Trump being impeached and removed from office. No one I’ve talked to is sick of hearing that. In fact, many, myself included, want him out for the good of the country.

You may not be sick of it but at some point you just gotta realize that it just ain’t happening, right ?