Fox news poll has biden AHEAD in Texas

I want to strongly criticize that guy who promised to kill me. He didn’t keep his promise, I am irate. Makes perfect sense.

I wanted to see if he would keep those promises.
I knew those were unachievable, but hey, he got elected, and part was on what he campaigned on.

Lucky Stacy huh?

He made America those promises.
And we’re supposed to evaluate his performance based on those promises.
He campaigned on bringing conservative judges to benches. He did that. I am not going to criticize him for that. Do I disagree with that? Of course, but he kept his word.

OK…that is wrong…but I chuckled anyway!!!

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A lot has changed indeed. That 12 pt lead Clinton had in 2016 was in one poll, and was clearly an outlier. Something different is happening this year, with Biden AVERAGING +10 / 50%.

No, he didn’t. He made his base those promises. You aren’t evaluating his performance, you are criticizing him for not doing things you didn’t want him to do. Just go right ahead.

Makes zero sense as a political argument as well. Hey fella, the guy who is up for re-election didn’t manage to fulfill this promise he made you, you should vote for our guy who thinks anyone who wants them done is reprehensible and would never under any circumstance try and do them. Where do I sign up?

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So he’s only President for his base?
I evaluate every president on their performance. I’m not stuck in a “vote Democrat no matter what” mentality. If Kasich was the R nominee, I would have voted for him over Hillary. ■■■■■ if Kasich ran in 2020, I’d vote for him over Biden.

No, the argument is “The guy I voted for in 2016 has not kept his promises, and things aren’t so rosey. I’ll find someone else to vote for that aligns more with my views.”

He only owes those who vote for him. A more logical path would be for the opposition to criticize what he does do policy-wise. Not for unkept promises he didn’t make to you.

But you go right ahead.

That is some hilarious convoluting.

If you say so.

The Donald has lost Wisconsin.

Umm no, there are two viable choices, there is virtually no way that his failure to keep those promises puts someone more aligned with my views in the race.

Yep. I fell for it last time. This time I will wait for the vote. And what has stayed the same since 2016 is that the same media that hated Trump in 2016 hates him now. What is different is that my trust in their accuracy is even less.

Are you confused about today’s date? You seem to be off by a few months.

It is one of those hard to face kind of immutable truths. Losing sucks.

Never happen NEVER

Especially when you consider he made at least some effort on all of them.

Agree wont happen this cycle not a chance