Fox headlines this morning

no, it doesn’t.

Yes, it very much does when it comes to whether the money was for the campaign or not. And the bar is actually higher than just for the campaign, but more accurately solely for campaign purposes and not personal ones.


Campaign finance law is ever changing and being reinterpreted, with this case falling on one central question: Were the donations for the sole purpose of influencing the campaign or merely one purpose.

Those defending Fox’s inability to give the Cohen story the prominence they would to a similar story for Obama just shows how deluded they are.

I clicked on the Politics sub section and the Cohen story does not lead but of course the story featuring an illegal immigrant.who is charged with murder is national headline news. Not saying its not newsworthy but a President being implicated in trying to influence an election by making payments to women he had an affair with is far more concerning.

Not surprising the significance of the book goes over your head.

If you need confirmation bias stay with Clinton Network CNN.

Hey…you’re “appreciated” by…by…let me get back to you.:sunglasses:

No one can claim Fox doesn’t know its audience real well.

Imagine Fox News today if the situation were: President H. Clinton implicated in plea by long-term attorney; Hispanic college boy murdered by a WGOT (white guy over there). That’s your Fox news.


Yep! Fox is totally ignoring the Cohen story. :roll_eyes:

Who came up with that term?

Someone in the Watergate era?

It’s stupid and a clear violation of due process.

Then you believe all murders should be covered before any other news? Each and every murder in DC should be ahead of every other national news story, right?

Yeah, that book certainly does go over your head. :+1:

Yes, Fox is biased, boy that was hard. Your turn, is there any bias at CNN and MSNBC?

But he still isn’t Hillary!!

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And now this…

Well, Housley is obviously a member of the deep state. He’s probably a filthy “lib” too. :rofl:



If they keep this up, before too long all they may have left is entertainers like our host, and Shep Smith. Hooray for State Run Television. :man_facepalming:


Fox is really obsessed with that random primary winner, apparently she is the “darling” of the dems? Who knew! Doesn’t feel forced at all…

Apparently her campain spent an astounding 4K on Uber rides at $25 per 160 rides, definitely worthy of national news…thanks Fox! I see a Pulitzer in someone future!

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