Former national security adviser supports violent military coup in the U.S

Nice try…He was answering a question…Why shouldn’t a coup happen here? No reason…It should happen here.

You left out the pause…

Let me answer the audience member’s bombastic question first.

We have the second amendment to prevent splinter groups and coup plotters from doing anything stupid, so the outrageous proposition is just chest thumping in context.

Flynn’s response in context is dismissive…could or should…it isn’t a serious discussion. It’s art kinda like the image of Trump by Kathy Griffith.

Or do you think she was going to slay the former President like a dragon?



Maybe he’s the Malcolm in the Middle wheelchair kid with the mid sentence pauses?

Why would he walk it back if that was what he originally meant?

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It was bombastic lunacy from the audience.

Because he knows he ■■■■■■ up …

Yeah, so that crowd of lunatics goes nuts both with the question and when he responds.

Clearly your people did not think he was being dismissive.

Is that why gas prices are up?

Interesting cause and effect.

So does the Trump bashing cabal.

Your side just can’t take it or discern satire.

He not trying to lose that nice pension he gets as a retired 3 star general. LOL
I wonder as a retiree does he still fall under the UCMJ

Yes - sounds like the guy who said Minnemarr and the yokels who were hooting and hollering are partnering to elevate satire to heights never before seen.

Here’s the deal, Trumpy - I know that the dipstick Flynn doesn’t want a coup, but he did want to fire up a room full of idiots.

It’s like when I do a goofy dance to make my six year olds laugh (except my six year olds know I’m actually an incredible dancer, whereas the Trump people think Flynn was being honest).

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does flynn want a coup or not?

yea or no?

if he really wants a coup. how did he ■■■■ up?

“we know what flynn really wants from one ambiguous word and lefty media, not by what he outright says at length”

Don’t be silly. “Figuratively”, lot of pissed off people out here.

And you left out the two words “I mean” which indicated two separate thoughts.

Wasn’t a pause. There were two words “I mean” in there.

Plus the emphasis on the word “should”.

The loud cheers from the Qs in the conference indicated they got the message.

Maybe you CAN take some contextual cues after all. Fire up a roomful of voters upset at the hidden tax of high energy cost…sure.


Build Back Better CCP Joe said so. Energy is UP UP UP. What is not to love?

Hugs and kisses…your favorite Trumpy fan!

Biden is so boring as he ruins the economy it makes sense to have the tabloid talk around Flynn.

Biden Memorial address was generic babble ending in odd calls for empathy.

I get it.

Not me!