Ford has suffered $1 billion in lost profits from Trump tariffs

I’m just trying to figure out why a peanut farm was a conflict of interest but a supposed global business empire isn’t.

It’s just weird to me. I can’t figure out why the two should be treated differently.

Because there is no law dictating what happens to any business a president owns or operates?

Now ~IF~ there were a law, then the two would be treated the same and have the same requirment.

If there is NO requirment by law, then each is allowed to make their own decisions. Thus the different outcome. They are not being treated differently under any law or regulation.

I don’t believe I invoked a legal argument.

That is correct. You did not. But the pivot was necessary because “integrity” was becoming a losing argument.

When Trump and the secret service go to Trumps golf resort, the taxpayers money is spent where? Trumps resort. Who owns it? Trump. Who makes money off of him vacationing at his resort at the taxpayers expense?

Donald J Trump

So you support Trump using his own establishments whenever possible while conducting presidential business, simply because he can’t be charged with anything?

He can draw money from it any time he wants and his sons are running it anyhow, and they would of course be very biased so it’s a big fat joke anyhow.

What standard of “why is one treated differently” are you using if your not using the legal standard. This is no other one.

Take out the legal argument then.

Jimmy C made a decision he felt was right for him
Donalt T made a decision he felt was right for him.

I don’t see any unequal treatment do you?

There’s the moral standard, the logical, rational standard. There’s the standard of consistency or hypocrisy. There’s the standard of common decency, which may or may not be the same thing as the moral standard.

Why do you think there’s only a legal standard?

So unrelated hoteliers in Hawaii made money off Obama vacationing there every year. Property owners in Martha’s vinyard made money off Obama vacationing there every year.

If the legal seperate entity (you know the corporation that owns the property) is charging just like they would anyone who stays at the property – no I don’t have issues with it.

How is them running it in Don’s best financial interest different than if it was a Blind trust executive running it Don’s best interest? Please give me perfectly clear, concise answers that would be verifiable.

Everyone has different moral standards. Example – I like to drink rum n coke with dinner a few times a week. I know people who think that’s immoral. Some don’t think it’s rational. Hypocrocy would be if I told someone who had a few drinks a week that they were immoral to do it.

There is NO set standard in what you are describing. You would have to find someone who critisized Bama for staying places and businesses charging the Secret Service and aids.

Regardless of what you think , The Don is NOT being treated differently than Carter was.

Well, unless you think that creating a scandal out of Carter’s peanut farm but turning a blind eye to Trump’s “global business empire” is being treated the same, you’re exactly right. There’s no difference between the way the two were treated. Then again Carter felt great shame and admitted committing “adultery of the heart” for looking at another woman besides his wife covetously. Whereas Trump openly brags of affairs while his wives recover from childbirth. I mean, there’s no way to judge the relative morality of these two men. None. Only the legal standard. There was one criminal indictment under Carter, so that is devastating. Trump has managed to keep his to a tame few dozen.

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Ford build a steel plant?!?! LoL! You don’t know the auto industry.

I don’t know - maybe he’s on to something. Maybe they could start building bakeries. After all, people are more likely to buy a car if you give them freshly baked cookies. :rofl:

they could do it for less than a billion,

spoken like Cortez, well stated

So? Why would Ford do something so stupid?

It’s nice to see that you guys have lined up your next generation of bogeymen.