Ford creating american jobs

…based on electric vehicles.

Ford said it would build two battery plants in Kentucky and one in Tennessee, all in a joint venture with its main battery cell supplier, SK Innovation of South Korea. In addition, the company will build an assembly plant at the Tennessee location to churn out electric pickup trucks. Ford will invest $7 billion and SK Innovation $4.4 billion, the companies said.


EV batteries are a eco nightmare, and we are already near a lithium shortage. But, I bet there is good govt money to be made anyway…


There are quite a few ideas on how to replace lithium. Here is a article about sodium. From what I have read, it appears that 2025 is the target to get off of lithium.

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As long as it’s being built here I don’t care if it’s Godzilla sized robots the country needs to take back it’s manufacturing.


Next thing you know, they’ll be running off saltwater.

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Obviously the ultimate goal is to run them off of Mr. Fusion devices.

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There are two things that are getting a lot of attention and study and that is battery technology and AV’s. Both of these are going to explode in the next five years. If you want to invest in new technology, these two and the technology that they will require are good bets.

Why not Michigan?


you guys need to stick to virology


I am glad to have the investment in the US so good job Ford.

As far as Na batteries…

In Japan, sodium-sulfur batteries at Mitsubishi Materials Corp.'s Tsukuba plant in Ibaraki prefecture caught on fire on Sept. 21. It took firefighters more than eight hours to control the blaze, and authorities declared it extinguished on Oct. 5.

There are some fire safety concerns.

What’s wrong with Mr Fusion?

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Why? It worked for Doc Brown.


Yeah, you’re probably right. Let’s stick with the 150 year old technology.

Yes let’s stick with good old nonexplosive petroleum.


They should create chip producing factories instead. Ford has thousands of new trucks in parking lots without chips.


So what happens if we go all out for this technology and never solve the problem of long vacation trips? Most people aren’t going to pay for a car that is useful 90% of the time and have another car for the other 10% of the time. Shouldn’t this sort of problem be solved before mass production?


I support the Biden proposal to build out the nationwide charging infrastructure.

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It’s almost like just in time delivery chains are one of the stupidest things man has ever invented.

I disagree, we should do it like we created the gasoline infrastructure on highways: private enterprise with no public assistance.

Fords probably never thought of that. You should call them before they waste billions.