Forced out for being white

Your argument is ■■■■■■■■■ You make it sound like that anyone who is black has no chance to make it in America. Do you get out much? Many black Americans have become very successful in various walk of life; doctors, lawyers, actors, businessmen, athletes, etc. The reason that many of these largely black inner city communities are still in the mess they are in has little or nothing to with slavery.


This is absolutely hilarious…

Whites will definitely be outnumbered eventually. This doesn’t scare me though. I like all the colors of the rainbow.

It’s easy to refute your own straw men. Need more hay?

I said nothing of the kind.

I was responding to a person who thinks it will be bad when whites become a minority in this country.

Why wouldn’t it be? It’s bad to be a minority in this country right now isn’t it?

And my answer remains the same as it was before.

Will you now double down and perpetuate the misinterpretation so we can go through this useless cycle once more?

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Your answer made no sense, not every minority was affected by slavery, nor is every thing liberals say about why it’s bad to currently be a minority in this country attributable to slavery.

Literally everything about black People today can be tied to slavery and more importantly, Jim Crow. The further we get from that (and the more discriminating laws change) the affects lessen. But our history didn’t just wiped away with the CRA.

Lots of things that happened in our past, still effect people today.


Again, black people are not the only minority in this country. And you think personal and institutional racism against black people today is attributable to slavery or Jim Crow? How?

240+ Years of being told, by force, the following (1619-1865)

You can’t read
You can’t keep your name
You can’t marry
You can’t keep your offspring
You can’t be a witness to a crime
You can’t be a citizen
You can’t practice your religion
You (women) must produce strong “bucks”
Your family will be separated

100 years being told, by force/law, 1865-1965

You can’t drink from the same water as white
You can’t educate at the same school as whites
You can’t get capital like whites
You can’t get medical care like whites
You CAN fight in our wars but don’t expect to be taken care of once you get back
You can expect to be abused by the police for speaking up
You can expect to be jailed more frequently and longer for the same crimes a white person committed.
You cannot marry outside of your race

And so on…

1965 was 54 years ago. Slavery and Jim Crow was a combined 340+ years. How can we expect that deliberate oppression of that long, just simply go away in 54 years? Black people are getting better but far more needs to be done.

If you look at my list… many of those oppressive actions of slavery and Jim Crow that targeted education and employment… are also still today the most glaringly depressed numbered compared to white people.


Many of those same issues can be said about Asians even much after slavery was outlawed.

The problems some racial groups have in this country is not because of history. It’s because of the modern cultures those races have adopted within this country.

Oh, then I took it the wrong way, my bad😁.

Race quotas… So, racists…

So why did you Democrats do all those things to black people?

I’ll grant we don’t have plantations anymore, but we do have all those hope filled, prosperous, crime free inter-city Utopias you Democrats have provided for minorities to live in instead! Good thing you kind, compassionate, politically correct people are in charge of most of our countries big cities and helping our minority populations! Can you imagine what hopeless, crime ridden, poverty stricken, gang infested places they would be WITHOUT Democrats in charge? HOLY COW :open_mouth:

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Jim Crow had a son - James Crow Esquire - he’s still living.

Please don’t jump into a conversation with me without adding anything of value.

Your feelings don’t count against the post you replied to.

People of color are the majority in Baltimore (and many other big cities) … he should ask himself, how is that working out for them?

And by feelings you mean facts…

You guys have no problem labeling Republicans as racists, and you don’t even have the decency to provide a consistent definition of the word. Yet, when the truth of the Democrats role in racism, both past AND PRESENT, is pointed out, it’s YOUR feelings that get hurt.

That’s the typical liberal M. O., When you have no policies of any benefit to society, fall back on smearing your opponent with the racism label. It didn’t work in 2016, and it isn’t going to work next year either.

Lol it’s not their fault they are white nationalists…its everyone elses…lol

■■■■ these arguements are pathetic