Floyd was dead anyway. Who knew?

Fentanyl is cut into a bunch of stuff because it is cheap.

There are a ton of people who don’t even know they are getting it when they take illicit drugs.

Good book to read btw is “Fentanyl Inc”

One of the crazy things that is talked about in that book is the prohibition on groups that offer to test street drugs for safety at raves and concerts. The policy is to let people OD and die instead of get high.

As opposed to letting people get high, then get behind the wheel of a car. Sorry, the right of innocent people not having their lives risked by impaired drivers TRUMPS the right of a junkie to get high.

Wait a minute… GETTING HIGH ISN’T A RIGHT!!!

The past 100 years has taught us anything it should teach that prohibition doesn’t work.

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Bar tenders can be held accountable for serving too much alcohol to a patron. Who is going to be accountable for the drug addict that kills someone or who dies of an OD?

Great. Some group tests the drugs ingested at a rave and two hours later, after the drug addict left, someone dies. Who’s responsible? The rave owner? The group that tested the addicts drugs? The friends who were with the addict and watched the drugs being taken? The drug dealer who dealt the “safe” drugs? The dealer who dealt bad drugs 20 minutes after the addict left the rave?

True, you can’t legislate morality or stupidity, but reasonable lines have to be drawn for the benefit of society. People’s rights end at the point they interfere with other people’s rights.

Funny thing about alcohol. During the prohibition era, criminal enterprises would take industrial alcohol and make it somewhat drinakable. The government response was to make it more poisonous because no one in their right mind would drink poison. Well that turned out to be false.

When we are speaking of drugs at raves… we are rarely speaking of “addicts” but more casual users. Even though the activity they are doing may be illegal or self damaging… they are not signing on for death.

Prohibition doesn’t work. That has been proven over and over and over.

Babes in the Woods.

“Who knew?”

Floyd was already dead. Moving around like a chicken with his head cut off.

He was dying when the cops first approached him.

Nothing would have saved him.

You know who else definitely isn’t signing on for death??

The person hit by the car driven by the impaired drug user.

Again, I agree, prohibition doesn’t make people quit a certain behavior, but legalization would certainly increase that behavior.

On that first point, absolutely correct.

In the last few months of World War II the Soviet Army was losing almost as many men to industrial alcohol and ethanol poisoning as they were to combat. Soviet army personnel were so desperate to get drunk that they were drinking industrial grade fuel alcohol they’d find at German jet engine depots.

Decriminalization would go a long way to changing policing in this country.

Making safe environments for drug use would help with overdose, addiction and issues of impaired people harming others.

Does providing safe alcohol and a safe environment to consume it keep people from drunk driving? Or beating spouse or kids or any other stupid, alcohol induced behavior?

No. But it does keep people from drinking poison.

I’m glad your son is ok.

I disagree with the thread title. George Floyd was not dead anyway. The cop killed him.

In a corrupted, screwed up, vicious, leftist -run city government, even Medical Examiners can initially hold back truth, being influenced to do as they’re told by their bosses. I expect that cover-up to break down by trial time and then the public needs to hear from the kneeling defendant himself. It certainly doesn’t help, when cities are rioting, burning and being looted by mental cases and the cops are told to stand down.

If he says, “I wasn’t putting dangerous weight on his neck as it may appear in the video.” How can it be proven, he was really applying pressure to the man’s neck? Fact is, it cannot be proven.

No way to prove the cop had a motive, to kill Floyd and throw away his career in public like that. It makes no sense. The cop’s demeanor during the event is calm and matter-of-fact, routine. Cops never know what they will be dealing with on any given day.

At the same time Floyd had a lethal --fatal, drug dose in his body according to the medical examiner and a heart condition.

Much depends on the jury. If I were Chauvins lawyer, I’d request a change of venue…

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I’m sure plenty of cities want to invite rioting burning and looting into their city—not likely.

It is possible there cannot be a fair trial anywhere and the case must be thrown out–the defendants will need restitution.

Reality is setting in. Instead of fixating on cops not being perfect, how about stopping crime and ending crime?

According to both medical report he was in-fact killed by the police officer.

Yeah, well, welcome to reality.

And there you would be wrong.

Dr King was accused of being a communist.
