Floyd was dead anyway. Who knew?

I agree with almost everything you just said. The idea of “Black Lives Matter” rooted in the concept of dealing with police targeting blacks…OK I’m willing to listen. I’m a 60 year old white guy and have never had to deal with being a black man in an American city with the possibility of an officer looking crossways at me wondering if I paid for my car or stole it. So I’m willing to be open minded.

Maybe you’re right with saying BLM is being used as useful idiots…but the BLM organization is a Marxist domestic terrorist organization. There’s no comparison with Dr. King…Whatever legitimate goals may have been considered from those who wanted to really legitimately look at the actions of the small minority of bad cops has been drowned out by the disgusting criminals burning our neighborhoods, businesses and cities. Those people all need to be arrested. I’m afraid a moment is coming when the BLM terrorists go wandering into a place they shouldn’t have gone expecting to burn and pillage and walk face first into a group of legally armed Americans saying enough we will defend our lives and property…And someone is going to get hurt.

I don’t know, maybe we don’t disagree at all.

What Officer Chauvin did to George Floyd was wrong…But this information about Floyd and Fentanyl certainly changes the narrative about the innocent martyr…It should have been very public months ago…People had to really search to find this and to find his extensive criminal record. Like I said…This always seems to play out with somebody and a cell phone video…Social Media…Howls of injustice…

And then sometime later we get the rest of the story. Somethings backwards with that timeline.

Thanks -me too. Someone asking for help didn’t die of OD. If he did just ingest a dose of something bad, once his buddies notice they’d smack him or called medics for narcan. The officer is the cause of this guy’s death not OD IMO.


Thread after thread on this forum of this crap. Why even bother trying?


Don’t know.

Maybe one day something will click in.

I mean, one would think that the correct response for an officer dealing with someone overdosing wouldn’t be to kneel on his neck for nine minutes but get the dude some medical attention.

That’s just me though.


Yes- fentanyl’s primary medical use is in anesthesia.

The only thing explosive is the diarrhea coming out of Tucker’s mouth.


When the truth doesn’t fit your narrative, kill the messenger of it…amirite? :sunglasses:


Absolutely there was violence. But Martin Luther King, like Ghandi preferred peaceful protests. The black leaders today?? Where are they?? Someone on this thread I believe said theses riots will end under Joe Biden because he will bring them to the peace table. Bring who exactly??? Why aren’t Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the Democrat leaders and for that matter ANYBODY ON THE LEFT calling for a cease of the riots. Why aren’t the black leaders in these communities calling for meetings with mayor’s and governors etc.? The Libs are cheering the violence on because it suits their political agenda. The violence is doing nothing but hurting the cause they claim to be promoting.

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I’m glad your son is doing well. I lost a cousin to a drug overdose and my brother got hooked on pain pills after back pain and the fight to get off them has left a lot of pain and destruction in his life. Drugs are a miserable scourge on our society.

People do have different levels of tolerance and probably people with other conditions may be more susceptible to drug overdosing.

I don’t know all the facts about any of these cases, but I do know we’re being lied to for political reasons, so anything that presents a different view than what we are told by the media or a mob should be critically examined.

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Marxists is right. BLM and Antifa are being used. I say “useful idiots” because that term refers to people who are being used to promote can cause yet they don’t understand or believe the cause they’re actually being used for. The other thing about useful idiots is that they are the first ones rounded up and jailed or killed when the revolution is completed by the leaders. Because the useful idiots are the ones that feel the most betrayed and will then be the ones to turn around and fight those they just helped put in power.

I really don’t understand why they can’t see that the Democrats have literally done nothing to better the lives of African Americans. NOTHING! And the Marxists who who have taken over the Democrat party will do even less if they gain power.

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“Police Assisted Suicide”

Yeah and in a clinical setting it’s dispensed in micrograms, not even milligrams. You put too much fentanyl in a stamp bag and you sniff it or shoot it, you OD, pass out and die. Period. There’s no period of consciousness. Only thing gonna save you is a shot of Narcan. Maybe.

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The answer to your question came from the idiot Don Lemon on CNN this week and the stupid person who is the mayor of Portland I think last week…both said (paraphrasing here) “stop the rioting you’re helping Trump…!” Not “stop the rioting your destroying people’s lives”…

The priority is creating chaos…I believe the calculation is or was chaos hurts Trump and helps Biden.

How sick is that…burn stuff to the ground because it helps a senile old Democrat win an election…

Just another reason this is the easiest election ever…

Man you better have that Narcan locked and loaded, you have maybe a minute to stop that nonsense. Fentanyl is the nuclear bomb of opiates.

Beautifully said and 100% correct.

Be sure to make that Welcome to Trumps America…since VP Biden made sure to equate what is happening now to what a Joe Biden America would be like.

Let us all remember this is not OBAMA’s America anymore and it is not yet BIDEN’s America. What we have before us is Trump’s America. Plain and Simple.


Except you cannot remain conscious during a Fentanyl overdose. It is medically impossible. You certainly can’t beg for your life for nine minutes.

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We do ignore what’s happening with heroin though. The Mexican stuff went from like five percent pure tar to sixty percent pure cinnamon. If it’s not stepped on enough, that’ll OD most junkies just as quick.

Heroin is making a comeback because junkies cannot afford pharma, for the most part. Fentanyl is pricey on the street from what I have heard, although the imported stuff has been coming in heavy over the past few years.