Florida Spike in Cases

the study is garbage. no-one needed a study to figure out that people with active antibodies are immune and people without active antibodies are not. its propaganda.

i support everyone who has not been vaccinated or gotten covid already getting vaccinated. i do not support propagandizing the public to do it.

since when did critically appraising an article amount to agreeing with it?

Your statements.

They do not end up in the hospital or the ICU those beds are reserved for the unvaxxed.

Doubtful it will get too full since vaxxed people don’t end up in the hospital.

Those statements you made as fact are definitely untrue.

Yeah, it’s getting harder to muster sympathy, but I’m trying.

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Not trending in the right direction.

Don’t you know how to read between the lines.

Very few vaxxed die or end up in the hospital.

Very few.



Your two claims were falsehoods.

Own your words. You said them.


Words do have meaning. Except around here. :joy:

fauci… singular mistake? hardly

The national review states my case for me.


You don’t want them to die, just to submit to your progressive agenda. However, some would rather die on their feet than live on their knees.

What do you think you will you do when your patience does run out?

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So you’d rather die than take a vaccine?


A mask is a progressive agenda? Only in the minds of :crazy_face:

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Ending the needless deaths of Americans and ending the pandemic is a progressive agenda.

It sure looks like Paul is making it political.

He’s been in the political ruling class sonce 1993. 28 years. 20 years

The option “Die or take the vaccine” is a false dichotomy. I don’t believe not taking the vaccine equates to dying. And I refuse to let someone manipulate me with false fears.

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I think your hair is on fire, just a little bit there.

The GOP is so manic, these days.
Thanks to Trump fast tracking the vaccine efforts we have them in the numbers we need now, as well as the ventilators so much needed also during these trying days.
But rather build on that clear success; that is clearly Trump’s, the GOP’s, they have completely rejected that hard fought victory made by Trump before he lost the election.
That victory was just simply handed over to the Democrats to take credit for.
There was a reason Trump worked so hard to get these damned vaccines; to save lives, right?
Now go against them?
Totally manic, moronic.
Thanks to Trump we have vaccines, and ventilators in the numbers to battle this surge, but Republican voters won’t use the former, but will eventually fall back onto using the latter like it or not.
My God talk about dumb, dumb, dumb.
Bartiromo calls this covid surge, “convienent” for Democrats?
It should be a life saving victory lap for Trump, and the GOP, but the GOP is against vaccines?
Biden didn’t create these vaccines, or manufacture these ventilators, he’s just taking credit for handing them out, as he should, and is.
Earth 2 gets staggeringly dumber, by the day.
And not to mention these are Republican voters dropping in for a visit at ICU’s too, who won’t be voting GOP next time even if they survive.
Near death experiences tend to compel re-evaluations of confusing mis-information.


I don’t either. But you said:

However, some would rather die on their feet than live on their knees.

Which sounds like you do.

He was elected to represent ALL americans: both those whose faith is in vaccines to save lives and those who do not trust big pharma to save lives. That’s why he always said they would be issued to whoever wants to take them, not that they would be forced on everyone.

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