Florida Spike in Cases

Why can’t folks ask their doctor? I just did this with my daughter’s doctor earlier this week. We had a number of questions about the vaccine and Delta strain that were answered to satisfaction. She gave us solid advice that caused us (me mostly) to change our behavior on something due to my daughter’s issues and the fact that we are all in close contact with several non-vaccinated people in higher risk categories. Did she have concrete answers for everything? No. Did she pretend to speak to authority on everything? No, just the topics that she could (e.g. how her condition has dealt with other respiratory viruses, but not Covid). She was most certainly not in the dark; to the contrary, she provided information that made us feel better about some things, and more concerned on other fronts. Right now, these variants are coming at such a rate and intensity that once we have established any baseline info about the current variant, the next one comes along and demonstrates different transmission rates, different severities, and different effects to different age groups.

I would assume it is okay to question Fauci?

Is it okay for you to question your doctor or do you just blindly say okay.

I spent a lot of years in pharmaceutical sales. I can tell you many doctors never look at at the data.

Oh hey… This study, proves that this antibiotic is incredibly effective for sinus infections.

Doctor: Nope. As side affect is yeast infections. My clients don’t like any discomfort.

I never called Fauci a villain, I stated that the right has a need to cast him as a villain.

Fauci can defend himself, he sure as ■■■■ doesnt need me. Fauci got the mask thing wrong early on, based on the best available info they had at the time on mask effectiveness concerning respiratory viruses. He then recanted once new information specific to this new virus was available. He’s been pretty consistent since. To you, it seems if one, singular, simple mistake is made, then all accomplishments, achievements, bodies of work of that individual should be discarded. If not, explain why this seems to be the approach you’ve taken with Fauci.

Let’s apply this to some historical figure that has provided great insights to mankind. You know anything about Isaac Newton? You think he was right about everything, never made a mistake? If so, should we simply discard the body of knowledge he has provided?

Yes. People who have had Covid but not vaccinated are twice as likely to be reinfected as those who had Covid and then were vaccinated. Or those who are fully vaccinated. The immunity from having Covid is inferior to the immunity from vaccination. Covid exposure results in antibody formation with poor long term memory B cell immunity.

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no, but your tears should be tears of embarrassment. the study shows what it shows, that the authors couch the findings to negate what it shows is meaningless.

how do they know whats “more likely”? they don’t
as for “interpretations” bwahahaha… don’t pay attention to our data… it doesn’t fit the narrative!

get a clue

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"This is starting to look really ominous in the South. …If you look at rates of transmission in Florida and Louisiana, they’re actually probably the highest in the world," Dr. Peter Hotez, the dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Friday.

(Enphasis mine.)

Sure, I never said to not question him. I think any wise individual has a healthy dose of skepticism when wading into matters they are not as knowledgeable on. I certainly do.

Of course I question my doctor. And my daughters. But her responses are on par with the body of knowledge that exists concerning her condition. Only saying that as it lends credibility. But she’s also very accomplished in this particular arena, an arena that has existed for long and not widely known/understood by a fair majority of medical professionals. My daughters condition, like Covid, is relatively new (newly discovered, speaking last 10 years or so). To that end, it hasn’t been studied much, and there’s no extensive knowledge base. So, sometimes we proceed with things trail and error. At times we’ve had positive responses; other times the opposite. But we’re moving in the direction that is consistent with what they know about it now.

Yes, I was fully vaccinated back in April. Fortunately, we have a very good idea when we were exposed (my husband is positive too) and our doctor believes we will have no symptoms at all due to our belief we were exposed about 11 days ago. We’re not worried at all, but we’re very concerned about infecting others so we’re barricading ourselves in the house for a few weeks.


yet another garbage propoganda “study”

of course people who had covid last year can get it again, the antibodies have worn off

of course people who were vaccinated in Jan thru april most likely won’t in may-jul, the antibodies are still active.

the real question is are the memory cells working… how severe is it?

The NEJM garbaged out some propaganda, eh?

would it be the first time? no

Not at all. Have you asked your doctor?

We know of 3 people in our community that have passed away due to COVID-19 in the past two weeks. All 3 were unvaxxed. Fortunately, these deaths have caused quite a stampede to get the vaccine, so perhaps some good comes from this situation.

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LOL. Too much. Now you’re trying to say the authors should have said something they didn’t. “Couch” the findings? I’m glad you’re fully admitting the authors didn’t say what you’re claiming. Just somebody desperately making stuff up completely opposite of what the authors said should be done. Sad to see people think this is acceptable to do from someone else’s work. Oh well.

I don’t know anything about Gold or Bronze plans.

You don’t have a primary physician? I had assumed you did and could ask him during a regular check up.

The real question is why people who can’t critically appraise an article and understand an authors findings continue to think ad hominem and wishful thinking will save the day.

Don’t worry. I’ll leave those to their floundering in peace.


It’s Greek chorus tragic.

I don’t want these people to die, but I’m personally running out of patience with their unrelenting solipsism.


complete ■■■■■■■■■ they said exactly what i’m saying, and then tried to negate it with “what if” caveats.

the study showed, with no ambiguity, that masking children in school had no effect on covid rates in school. none, zero, zip, zilch, nada. does this mean masks are ineffective in general outside of school for anyone? no it doesn’t, but it does mean they are ineffective in a school setting for students. that is what the study shows.


duplicate post.

Pithy? Around here? Did auto-correct misspell pissy?


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