Florida Spike in Cases

Concluding cause is.

Statistics. Statistical significance. If there are divergent outcomes in a population there are a number of test statistics which can be used to demonstrate statistical significance. You can then make a conclusion based on statistical significance. Is the argument statistics and statistical significance can no longer be used to conclude cause if that’s what the hypothesis is asking? If so, the entirety of statistical hypothesis testing is worthless. Then what? Gut feeling?

Extrapolation. Guessing. Then claiming. Then demanding.

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It’s convenient how you disregard entire scientific fields just because you don’t like what they are showing you.

Very cult-y.

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What “scientific fields” am I ignoring?

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I agree. Plenty of examples here. Dismissing statistics and science then demanding others agree with guesses and claims. Or even worse, simply believing the unproven claims of another as fact. “Alternative” therapy, anti-mask, anti-social distancing, anti-vaccine advocates. Over and over again. Science and statistics bad. Guesses and hopes good.


Statistics. Maybe not the whole field…

:rofl: Sure, sure. Who told you “statistics” is science?

How are they sequencing the genomes for these variants?

“Let the parsing begin!” bellowed the King before drinking deeply from his flagon. He didn’t enjoy parsing as much as jousting, but he did like it quite a bit, and anyway, all the best jousters lay dead of Covid in a pile behind the castle. He made a mental note to remind Merlin to burn the bodies before turning his attention back to the parsers lining up for his review.


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The initial report from the CDC was wrong.

Was the false report just a mistake or another example of disinformation from the Biden Administration?


Well except Florida and Texas.


Hey Ben I started the following thread:

I would be curious to get your input on some of the questions I raised.

they did no such thing, there wasn’t even a comparison between masked and unmasked schools because when the study was done nc had no unmasked schools. stop repeating this bogus claim about the study, you know better.

as for your “2nd study”… dude, read the fine print, its the same ■■■■■■■ study, also, read them before you claim they prove anything,

stop with the ■■■■■■■ propoganda. it is not possible to conclude masks benefit anything if you have no data without masks

your leftist masters are lying… again


I know it’s the same study. But the second link is a piece written by one of the authors of the study in which he specifically explains that they compare NC data (masks) to data from other areas where they were not masking. They also clearly explain the study of contacts with positive cars that lead to the clear determination that masks limit spread in schools.

If you are going to cherry pick and not consider the entire study then it’s pointless. You are digging in on a demonstratively wrong position.

they have one, the fl study, directly comparing masked and unmasked schools, result: absolutely no difference


they did no such thing. there are two studies which did test masked v unmasked schools directly under the same circumstances without having to surmise anything. the result: absolutely no difference.

this guy is spreading propoganda, nothing more.




StaTiStIcS aRe ScIenCe!

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quote from the article where he specifically explained that. have fun.

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