Florida lets freedom ring and removes all Covid restrictions for restaurants

This idea that it will somehow only affect people that take the risk of getting it is so unbelievably dumb.


ā– ā– ā– ā–  we just bumped up to fifty percent capacity and Iā€™m worried itā€™s going to lead to another shutdown of the bars and restaurants.


No, not exactly.

You need to understand modeling and then watch Trumps words.

People think they only can get it from the source.

A goes to restaurant, gets covid.

A then goes home and infects grandpaā€¦



4% of the worlds population, 20+% of the worlds Covid deaths, and 75% of the dumbest nitwits who ever lived. Welcome to America.


My county in utah is ā€œgreen levelā€ They can go 100% occupancy, and buffet style food allowed again.


I think a lot of the state was at 50% already. Bars were closed however. I have no problem with it. If you donā€™t want to visit donā€™t. Hopefully a lot of the snowbirds will stay home.

Yep, if you donā€™t want to get sickā€¦ you are a snowbird. Love the logic.

I just heard on the news that the order to re-open also does not allow any owner or local government make any changes to the order. And as the article says, any local government requires state approval to limit any restaurant from opening.

Its Florida what do you expect? :man_shrugging:

If they want to start culling their herd then so be it

At this point after being locked down over half a year and millions unemployed, one has to start asking are you personally ready for a complete economic collapse?

And if you are prepared for a collapse how many millions of your fellow Americans are you willing to see lose their homes and go homeless? Even with a democrat as president (Obama) 10 million people lost their homes during the Great Recession. Regardless of ones hatred for Trump, Joe Biden isnā€™t going to magically snap his fingers and turn things around by coming in and taxing people higher. We are ridiculously beyond debt as a country on the path of at best stagnation like Japan at worse a dollar collapse.

After six months there is an economical question that has to be asked with the health question. Want to be healthy and homeless? Or possibly get a virus that the odds of killing you are extremely low.




Dotardism is also an infectious disease.

The true genius of this is that they made it effective immediately so there isnā€™t a decent restaurant in Florida that has the prep or even the food in storage to handle a weekend rush at full capacity. And they wonā€™t be able to get their orders until Monday at the earliest.

The party of small business I guess.


The cross contamination in restaurants is very high. The masks are a false sense of security. Do servers wash their hands after delivering every table or cleaning up after every table? Went to a restaurant for a birthday party. You had to have mast get in but once at your table you could remove them. It was a burger joint. I watched the servers clean tables dishes and glasses other patrons had used. Then the same servers delivered food to other tables. Everyone drank their glasses that had been delivered by the servers. Then they picked up their burgers and fries and ate them with their hands after drinking from cups and dishes that these servers had delivered without washing their hands after cleaning tables. This is just one example of cross-contamination.

Why not force the distributors to cut all sorts of corners trying to backfill? How could that compound anything?

Most of those bitching about Fla donā€™t even live thereā€¦ironic.


Lol are actually lecturing me on how COVID works in the restaurant business, and incorrectly at that?

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Itā€™s not like Florida Man is adept at self-containment.

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