Florida Democrats will Recount till They Win!

i voted for trump because i knew he would fix problems like this

he must be busy or else he would be down there by now

but when he makes an entrance it will be dramatic


that cant be right

is that really true

It’s like that country in europe back in the 1930’s.

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Nah, that’s fake news.

Governor Rick Scott is going to be Florida’s next Senator since Bill Nelson has lost.

I can’t vouch for this source, but that information seems legit.


thats shocking

thank you

That’s a shame. And those morons were warned about putting any of the election choices below a large block of instructions.

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Their excuse on local news down here was that the people designing the ballots didn’t have the proper knowledge and experience and that there was not enough money in the budget to hire an actual professional. That and that they only had guidelines to go by as opposed to fixed rules.

Good grief! Just pathetic and while late, maybe they finally have learned a lesson.

Just gross incompetence and malfeasance which is good enough for liberals.:crazy_face::+1: